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SSTI Conference Exhibit Space Sold Out

June 13, 2007

Fantastic Marketing Opportunities Still Available Excitement for SSTI's 11th annual conference is growing as the entire exhibit space is now sold out - several months before the event. There are, however, several other options available to build awareness of your TBED program and generate beneficial relationships with the nation's top state and regional TBED decision makers at this year's event.

Learn how your organization can join with our current partners to take advantage of this powerful networking and outreach opportunity. Contact Noelle Sheets, SSTI director of membership services, at sheets @ ssti.org to discuss how an SSTI conference partnership can enhance your marketing strategy.

SSTI would like to thank our current 2007 Conference Partners:

Conference Kick-Off Breakfast:


Conference CD-ROM:

Friend of SSTI's Conference:

Award Prize Money AND a Conference Speaking Opportunity

The Trent Lott National Center of Excellence for Economic Development & Entrepreneurship intends to make an award to the researcher or research team that has made the most significant impact on the field of technology-based economic development in the last five years. The chosen researcher will receive an honorarium and present findings at the 2007 SSTI Annual Conference, Oct 18-19 in Baltimore.

Please enter nominations at http://www.trentlottcenter.org/researchaward.htm. Self-nominations are welcomed.
