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SSTI Offers Its Thanks for Successful Conference in Atlanta

October 31, 2005

There were recurring themes underlying the design and development of SSTI's 9th Annual Conference, Investing in a Brighter Future: Building Tech-based Economies, held Oct. 19-21 in Atlanta, Georgia: inevitability, irrelevance and inspiration.

Our two keynote addresses by Rob Atkinson and Duane Ackerman elucidated the inevitability of change and the opportunities presented by the challenges of globalization. Twenty spirited breakout sessions highlighted local and regional efforts to avoid economic irrelevance through strategic investments in science and technology. And, based on the feedback we've received, the discussions in the breakout sessions, and the spirited conversations overhead during the reception and networking breaks, SSTI believes many of the 354 conference participants came away inspired to improve their own efforts to strengthen their local, state or regional economy through technology-based economic development.

The event couldn't be considered a success without the eager participation of those 354 TBED enthusiasts from across the globe and the active support of the conference's local hosts, national sponsors and speakers. Thank you!

SSTI particularly appreciates the efforts of Michael Cassidy and his incredible team at the renowned Georgia Research Alliance and the amazing talents of our conference coordinator, Kathy Gerke. Ms. Gerke is with ConferenceDirect, a worldwide provider of outsourced meeting planning solutions.

We were so impressed with Ms. Gerke's abilities that, for the first and only time, the SSTI Weekly Digest will violate its no-advertising policy by extending this unpaid endorsement for her skills: Hire Her! We've called dibs on a portion of Kathy's talents for 2006, but we believe many others would benefit greatly by working with her as well. We will forward to Ms. Gerke any inquiries received at: skinner @ ssti.org
