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State policies help revitalize U.S. manufacturing sector

August 17, 2017

More can be done at the state level to encourage growth in U.S. manufacturing, according to a recent presentation by Robert Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). In the presentation, held earlier this month at the National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) summer meeting, Atkinson suggested that there is a role for state policymakers to address each of the four T’s related to sound manufacturing policy: trade, tax, technology, and talent. Citing examples from throughout the country, Atkinson recommended that states support innovative skills programs, including increasing engineering education in high schools, promoting advanced manufacturing training centers, and developing university programs that emphasize manufacturing skills. Beyond skills, additional support could come from expanding R&D tax incentives, creating innovation vouchers, and supporting manufacturing R&D at universities, he said. Additionally, Atkinson recommended promoting the use of programs such as manufacturing 401-k’s and CEO learning networks, and funding matching grants for programs such as the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership, the Manufacturing USA program, and the Manufacturing Universities program. 

Learn more about the future of manufacturing at SSTI’s 2017 Annual Conference! In Maximizing Innovation in Manufacturing: A Look Ahead, manufacturing thought leaders will explore recommendations around enhancing performance across the supply chain, improving cyber security for manufacturers and developing an advanced manufacturing workforce. Register today!
