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Tech-Talkin’ Governors III: The State of the State and Budget Addresses

January 19, 2001

Editor's Note: The third installment of SSTI's look at recent speeches and budget proposals to demonstrate the priority governors are placing on tech-based economic development and math & science education.


Governor Roy Barnes, FY2002 Budget Address, January 11, 2001

– new and increased funding


  • $500,000 for distance learning programs to provide expert teacher training
  • $4.5 million in additional funds for the Yamacraw Mission, the centerpiece of the state's tech-based economic development strategy


Governor Frank O’Bannon, State of the State Address, January 17, 2001

– new initiatives and new funding, reauthorization of existing efforts


  • $50 million school readiness program with several initiatives, including a middle school summer math program and 500 master reading and math teachers in the selected schools
  • $30 million quality teaching initiative to fund professional development in areas including reading and math achievement
  • reauthorization of the 21st Century Research and Technology Fund and investment of an additional $50 million in it over the next two years


Governor Mike Johanns, State of the State Address, January 11, 2001

– creating new programs and increasing higher education funding


  • a new program to match Nebraska entrepreneurs with Nebraska investors, keeping both risk-taking entrepreneurs and capital investment within the State’s borders
  • called for creation of a major endowment dedicated to biomedical research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Creighton University, Boys Town Research Hospital and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The endowment would be funded through tobacco settlement proceeds.

South Carolina

Governor Jim Hodges, Executive Budget for FY 2001-02, January 3, 2001, 

and State of the State Address, January 17, 2001

– new programs and initiatives


  • proposed investment of $5 million in a Higher Education Research Investment Fund to enable colleges and universities to expand their research efforts and compete more successfully at the national level by leveraging state dollars with federal and private funds
  • urged the legislature to use the education lottery to make technical and 2-year college education free to anyone who wants it; give a $2,000 HOPE scholarship to every South Carolina student who earns a "B" average; and make South Carolina first in the nation for per-pupil spending on technology
  • created the Rural Task Force for South Carolina to explore ways to improve job retraining programs for displaced workers, focus on making high-speed Internet access affordable in rural communities, and support small business incentives to diversify the job base in agricultural areas


Governor Mike Leavitt, State of the State Address, January 16, 2001

– increased funding and new initiatives


  • announced funding to add to the physical capacity of Utah’s universities, ensure qualified faculty and up-to-date equipment. Referred to a need for 15,000 engineering and computer science students by 2005
  • proposed financial incentives for teachers in math and advanced technology areas who commit to staying in Utah schools for four years: a one-time benefit of as much as $20,000 on top of their existing salaries. Outstanding teachers in other disciplines would also be eligible; the state will pay for their master's degree in technology or their certificate in math and give them a retention contract when they graduate. Goal of adding at least 850 teachers who have master's degrees in learning technology.