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Tech Talkin’ Govs 2018, part 7: LA, NH, NJ

March 15, 2018

The last of the governors’ state of the state addresses for this year have been delivered, and New Jersey’s governor presented his first budget address. SSTI has continued to review the addresses for news on TBED initiatives and presents excerpts of their addresses concerning such initiatives below. Louisiana’s governor is focused on addressing a fiscal cliff while preserving education gains in the state. New Jersey’s governor laid out a vision embracing green energy in the state and growing high school STEM-focused programs. And New Hampshire’s governor touted the state’s fiscal strength and said he would continue to build momentum on STEM initiatives with a new partnership for an annual robotics competition.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards delivered his state of the state Monday before the opening of the regular legislative session, which follows closely on the heels of an unsuccessful special session focused on the state’s budget deficit. The budget’s impact on higher education was on his mind as he drove the point home with a warning on funding for higher education and its implications for developing a trained workforce.

“By transforming our approach to higher education, meaning that when we adequately fund higher education, we’re making an investment in our economy, we have been able to deliver big wins for our state. This year, we stabilized funding for higher education. This has resulted in an increase in admission requests at our universities and community and technical colleges across the board – signaling to industries around the world that we are ready to invest in workforce development and to our students that we believe in their future. However, that’s not the message we’ve been sending most recently.”

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu reached out to future engineers and scientists.

“…[B]uilding on the momentum we've created with our STEM initiatives, I am proud to announce The Governor's Cup – a collaborative partnership between the University System of New Hampshire, the Community College System, and FIRST Robotics. This competitive annual Robotics Competition will be open to students and teams from across the state for college credit, and each senior on the winning team will receive a tuition free semester at a school of their choosing within the University or Community College System. We need to send a signal to budding engineers, scientists, and mathematicians across the state that their passion is a priority that we all share.”

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy delivered his first budget address and had several TBED initiatives he said the state would address.

 “We made investing in clean energy and combating climate change priorities. New Jersey will once again be a proud member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and we will join with our neighbors to protect the Delaware River, and the drinking water of millions of our residents, from the dangers of fracking. And, we have begun the work to make the winds off our shores a significant source of clean and renewable energy, as well as good-paying, new, union jobs.”

“Renewing New Jersey's leadership in the innovation economy starts in our public schools. We will invest in a Computer Science for All initiative to ensure that every high school will have a computer science program. And, by fostering partnerships among K-12 educators, college and university educators, and private-sector practitioners, we will grow innovative, STEM-focused high school programs that will prepare students for the jobs of the future.”

“Our current incentive programs expire in 2019. I invite you to join me, now, a full year in advance, to develop a new program and a new way that generates true investment in, and value throughout, our entire economy, and doesn't just rely on cash handouts. We can build a program that supports entrepreneurship and stimulates investment in incubators and the start-up economy.”

Louisiana, New Hampshire, New Jerseytech talkin govs