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Tech Talkin’ Govs 2025: Innovation emphasized in governors’ State of the State addresses—Part 2

January 30, 2025
By: Laura Lacy Graham

In this week’s continuing coverage of gubernatorial addresses as they discuss the innovation economy, the following highlights have been selected from five of the eight State of the States or budget addresses given between Jan. 17 and Jan. 28, 2025, by the governors from Maine, Missouri, New Mexico, Utah, and Wisconsin. Information on previous 2025 State of the States and/or budget addresses can be found here.

Additional addresses and states will be covered in future Digest issues.

With revenues for many states relatively consistent with forecasters’ expectations, lawmakers, with a few exceptions, continue to maintain cautious or constrained views of their funding priorities and proposed initiatives. As a result, many governors in SSTI’s analysis of addresses delivered so far this season speak more to previously implemented programs and their continued successes rather than rolling out many new programs. However. new priorities growing stronger innovation economies have not been completely overlooked.

On Jan. 28, Maine Gov. Janet Mills presented her State of the Budget address to lawmakers. Citing a tight fiscal environment and the leveling off of revenues as costs have increased, her budget, released on Jan. 10, proposes a mix of program changes, spending cuts, and targeted revenue increases while preserving core commitments to Maine residents, including making permanent her free community college initiative for the state’s recent high school graduates. The tuition-free program was initially launched in April 2022 with a one-time $20 million investment. It was extended for two additional years in the state’s last fiscal year biennium (2024-2025).

Missouri Gov. Michael (Mike) Kehoe gave his first State of the State address on Jan. 28. The speech heavily addressed the administration’s top concern of crime and outlined proposals for greater public safety, citing it as foundational to Missourians’ opportunities for prosperity. Kehoe also seeks an aggressive economic development plan that involves, among other things, recruitment of businesses and the extension of Missouri’s Deal Closing Fund and new funding for career and technical education. The administration is recommending $15 million for equipment, space, and operational needs of career and technical centers across the state, as well as $5 million more annually to support these centers’ increased operational costs. In addition, the gobernor’s recent Executive Order 25-16 established the Governor’s Workforce of the Future Challenge, which instructs the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) to create and implement a plan for better coordination among key stakeholders, including K-12 schools, local business and industry, and higher education to improve the state’s career and technical education programs and infrastructure.

Giving her seventh State of the State address on Jan. 21, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham laid out her legislative priorities for 2025, which included public safety, affordable housing, child welfare, health care, climate and energy, and economic development. As part of those priorities, the governor called again for a strategic water supply for clean energy projects and advanced manufacturing activities; and recommended the state provide $20 million to assist in the expansion or relocation of qualified businesses and entities that stimulate economic development and produce public benefit. In her speech, Gov. Lujan Grisham also announced that Quantinuum, the world’s largest integrated quantum computing company, is establishing a major R&D presence in New Mexico, anchoring the state as a leader in the industry.

On Jan. 23, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox presented his State of the State address. In addition to increasing the housing supply and regulatory reform, among his key policy priorities include further tapping the state’s energy abundance. Cox aims to lead in energy innovation by deploying advanced nuclear reactors and increasing energy exports through his initiative Operation Gigawatt.  

On Jan. 22, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers presented his seventh State of the State address. The governor used the speech to propose ‘historic’ investments in public education at every level, from early childhood to the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Technical College System—which the governor will detail more in his FY 2025-27 biennium executive budget proposal that will be released following his Biennial Budget Message to lawmakers on Feb. 18.

This article was prepared by SSTI using Federal funds under award ED22HDQ3070129 from the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. (The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Economic Development Administration or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Maine, Missouri, New Mexico, Utah, Wisconsintech talkin govs