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Tech Talkin' Govs 2005, Part Two

January 17, 2005

Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, State of the State Address, Jan. 10, 2005

"...I'll also ask for supplemental requests so we can become part of the e-corridor. We are one of the only Southern states that is not connected to the e-corridor, and it's vital to our long-term success and development. We'll also seek to provide more research dollars so we can see the incredible economic value that research provides for us."


Gov. Janet Napolitano, State of the State Address, Jan. 10, 2005

"To expand opportunity, we must focus on economic growth. As we widen the pool of highly skilled workers, we should encourage businesses to create high wage jobs. These jobs can be in many fields--from tourism to high-tech companies. That is why I will propose a series of tax relief measures--from guidelines for tax exemptions, to actual tax credits--to spur Arizona's competitiveness for new jobs.

"There are some tax cuts we can now afford and should pass. We should expand the research and development tax credit for businesses that partner with our state universities; we should phase out the personal property tax for small business; and we should give tax relief to industries that manufacture goods in Arizona and export them all over the nation and to the world."


Gov. Sonny Perdue, State of the State Address, Jan. 12, 2005

"We’re pursuing a long-term strategy to encourage entrepreneurship and small business growth, support existing industries, and invest in the high-paying strategic industries of the future...Small business entrepreneurs create opportunity in every part of the state.

"That’s why I will introduce the Entrepreneur and Small Business Growth Initiative, essentially putting booster rockets on small business growth in Georgia by providing a tax exemption for Georgia small businesses...

"The third component of my job growth package is the Strategic Industries and Innovation Initiative...we're going to give a $500 per job tax credit for companies already in Georgia who are growing jobs."


Gov. Dirk Kempthorne, State of the State and Budget Address, Jan. 10, 2005

"We will open a new Tech Connect office in the Magic Valley. This will be our fourth Tech Connect office to help entrepreneurs in high-tech start-up companies get off the ground. I’m asking for $375,000 in additional funding to support these science and tech initiatives including a coordinated effort to attract millions of new federal research dollars to Idaho."


Gov. Tom Vilsack, Condition of the State Address, Jan. 11, 2005

"We know the Values Fund works. Our job now is to ensure that it works for years to come. Low interest rates, a very high credit rating, additional gaming revenues create an opportunity to create a real opportunity to make a substantial and significant and sustained commitment to economic development and to a better and brighter future for our state.

"I propose that we create, that we put forward, a five-year, $800 million dollar commitment to build that better future. A future that encourages entrepreneurship in small business development, a future that rewards us with 50,000 better paying jobs that support families and communities."


Gov. Mitt Romney, State of the Commonwealth Address, Jan. 13, 2005

"In February, I will file an economic stimulus and jobs bill. My program will include measures to stimulate more housing, streamline permitting for business expansion, add new capital projects and fund investment in emerging technology. It will expand job creation incentives and workforce education, update our pro-growth tax policies and put in place a complete sales team and marketing effort. We all like to talk about jobs; let’s do what it takes to actually create them."


Gov. Haley Barbour, State of the State Address, Jan. 11, 2005

"Our current incentives are geared almost exclusively to traditional manufacturing and do not encourage high-tech businesses which are likely to pay higher wages, provide greater investment, and have greater potential to expand. While we should and will continue to focus on protecting and expanding our manufacturing base, especially in sectors such as the furniture industry in Northeast Mississippi, we must seize the opportunity to attract growing service industries and to build on research and development efforts at our universities by competing with other states for high-technology enterprises.

"...Another job creation effort we can undertake this year is to reform the unemployment tax formula. Small businesses in Mississippi are responsible for more than 80 percent of all new jobs in our state. If we don’t correct this, every business, large and small, will pay more unemployment taxes than necessary. While none of this excess money can be used for state government costs, we can reduce the tax. And, as other states have done, we can redirect a portion of the new formula to fund additional workforce training programs that help keep unemployment low.

"This reform will provide as much as $20 million a year more for our community colleges’ workforce programs. With this new money supplementing current appropriations, we can have one of the nation’s best programs for attracting and keeping better, higher paying jobs."

New Jersey

Acting Gov. Richard Codey, State of the State Address, January 11, 2005

"We have the scientists, we have the research industries, and we have the commitment to make New Jersey an international center of stem cell excellence...Today I am announcing a $150 million dollar investment in the construction of the New Jersey Stem Cell Institute. This will provide the financing to build and equip a world-class facility...

"Finally, I will ask the voters of New Jersey to put their faith behind a $230 million dollar investment in the promise of stem cell research."


Gov. Mark Warner, State of the Commonwealth Address, Jan. 12, 2005

"I urge your approval of Virginia Works, our exciting new initiative for economic development nin rural and distressed communities. Virginia Works recognizes what local leaders tell me every day: that we must supplement time-tested economic development programs with new ideas and fresh approaches to old problems.

"Virginia Works does exactly that. It represents a $21 million investment in economic development in areas ranging from tourism to advanced manufacturing...

"We have also proposed additional resources for cutting-edge research and student financial aid both at our public and private institutions."


Gov. Christine Gregoire, Inaugural Address, Jan. 12, 2005

"...I am proposing the creation of a Life Sciences Discovery Fund to finance new research in two areas: debilitating diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and cancer and improving the quality and yield of our agricultural crops.


Gov. Jim Doyle, State of the State Address, Jan. 12, 2005

"With the help of Senators Robson, Hansen, and Roessler, and Representative McCormick, we will increase our investment in our state’s manufacturing extension partnerships by $1.3 million.

"We are creating a Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Network that will help innovative new companies succeed. We are launching a new effort to recruit more angel investors who provide early-stage capital for emerging businesses.

"...In my budget, I’ll also have a major new initiative on biofuels. It’s time to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

"...I propose legislation requiring a third year of math and a third year of science as graduation requirements for all Wisconsin students. Let’s raise our standards - so all students are prepared for the 21st Century.

"And when it comes to expanding educational opportunity, there’s no greater investment we can make than in the University of Wisconsin...it’s why I’m proposing a $750 million public and private investment in biotechnology and stem cell research, including the Institute for Discovery - which will unlock new medical cures and launch new businesses that will benefit the entire state.

"...In my budget, I’ll ask you to provide $3 million for Alzheimer’s research. Let’s make sure Wisconsin continues to pioneer the effort to treat and one day cure this deadly disease."


Gov. Dave Freudenthal, State of the State Address, Jan. 12, 2005

"...I support creation of an endowment for higher education, especially the effort towards endowed chairs. At its current stage of development, I recommend funds be set aside for that purpose."
