Tech Talkin' Govs 2006, Part Two
SSTI continues this year's "Tech Talkin' Govs" series. The first installment of this 2006 review of governors' legislative priorities concerning tech-based economic development is available through the Digest online:
Gov. John Baldacci, State-of-the-State Address, Jan. 18, 2006
"As part of my economic plan, last fall I presented the State Science and Technology Plan that calls for Maine's annual investment in research and development, including both private and public funding, to reach $1 billion by 2010. Maine currently ranks 10th in the nation in non-profit R&D activity, but we need to do more to compete. My budget includes a down payment – matching money for marine research in the Gulf of Maine and for new businesses launched by the University of Maine.
"Now more than ever, we must continue strategic investments in research and development and infrastructure. After today, I'll be proposing additional investment tools ...
"... Later this month, I will submit 'Connect Maine' legislation to further expand the availability and quality of broadband and wireless phone service throughout the state."
Gov. Mitt Romney, State-of-the-Commonwealth Address, Jan. 18, 2006
"We asked employers why our growth is below what it could be. They acknowledge our advantages but they say we have some problems, too. Our payroll taxes are costing us jobs. We have almost no sales force to call on companies around the nation, and few incentive programs for move-ins or expanding employers. They say our permitting process is a nightmare. The legislature has rejected my economic development reforms in the past. But the economic stimulus bill I proposed a year ago is still under consideration; it is time to reverse these disadvantages."
New Hampshire
Gov. John Lynch, State-of-the-State Address, Jan. 18, 2006
"Companies that innovate create jobs. That is why I am asking you to support Sen. Odell's legislation to provide a tax credit for research and development. It is a small investment, with a potentially big payoff for our economy and our citizens."
New Jersey
Gov. Jon Corzine, Inaugural Address, Jan. 17, 2006
"With a new public-private partnership, focused on economic development, the Edison Innovation Fund, we can renew in this century what happened in the last – when vision, initiative and talent transformed rustbelt New Jersey into powerhouse New Jersey: a global leader in inventions, medicines and the then high-tech industries that gave our citizens the highest median income in the nation.
"As a trailblazer in stem cell research, we can save and improve the quality of countless lives."
New Mexico
Gov. Bill Richardson, State-of-the-State Address, Jan. 17, 2006
"We will create the Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit. This will encourage cutting edge advanced energy technology firms to make New Mexico their homefostering a clean high-wage industry, creating good jobs, and protecting our natural resources.
"We should double the funding for the Economic Development Partnership, which has already been responsible for 10 relocation deals, nearly 3,500 high-wage jobs, and $123 million in new investment in the two years since it began."
Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr., State-of-the-State Address, Jan. 17, 2006
"Today it is time to invest in the next generation of world-renown Utah innovation and ideas ... USTAR – the Utah Science, Technology, and Research Initiative – will capitalize on the unique resources of our State, such as the Utah Population Database, Genomics, Informatics, Personalized Medicine, and the talented faculty and students at the University of Utah and Utah State University ...
"This session, I ask you to pass the legislation sponsored by Senator Al Mansell and Representative David Clark to make USTAR a brilliant reality!"
Gov. Tim Kaine, Address to the Joint Assembly, Jan. 16, 2006
"In addition to attracting new business and supporting existing firms, we must also look to the connection between higher education and economic strength to help the regions of the state that face the greatest economic challenges ...
"... To honor the work done over the last two years by the Southside community and to take an important step forward towards economic recovery in the region, I have proposed bipartisan legislation to create the New College Institute in Martinsville. The Institute will be the center of gravity for a collaboration of other higher education institutions and the foundation for a stand-alone college in the future. It will open its doors to students in the fall of 2007 and will be a solid complement to the graduate-level Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Danville.
"In addition, I strongly support the major investment in higher education research offered in the introduced budget. The success of this proposal will further accelerate Virginia’s leadership role in the new knowledge-driven economy of the 21st century."
Gov. Jim Doyle, State-of-the-State Address, Jan. 17, 2006
"And so, even though Washington obviously has no plan for manufacturing, we do have one in Wisconsin. With technology, training, trade promotion, and new investment, we are working to revolutionize and modernize Wisconsin manufacturing … and expand opportunities for middle class families ...
"... Even as we invest in and modernize core industries like manufacturing, agriculture and tourism, we are also growing new ones … like biotechnology, information technology, and nanotechnology.
"And Wisconsin – the birthplace of stem cell research – is giving millions of families hope that one day diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Juvenile Diabetes may be conquered. These breakthroughs in medical science can transform our economy and open doors to new industries we've only dreamed of.
"In less than a decade, the market for stem cell products could reach $10 billion and create 100,000 jobs. Tonight, I offer an ambitious goal for our state – to capture 10 percent of this market by 2015.
"To that end, I'm directing the Department of Commerce to dedicate at least $5 million to find, fund, and recruit companies turning stem cell technology into high paying jobs. I'm asking Forward Wisconsin to launch a new effort to brand our state as the stem cell leader. And I'm asking you to pass legislation supporting the Biomedical Technology Alliance in Southeast Wisconsin."