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Tech Talkin' Govs: Part IV

January 30, 2013

The fourth installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee and Texas. Our first three installments were in the Jan. 9, Jan. 16 and Jan. 23 issues of the Digest.

Gov. Martin O'Malley, State of the State Address, Jan. 30, 2013
“Creating jobs through innovation is not just the responsibility of the private sector. There are things we can do together ”“ through the common platform of our government ”“ to accelerate innovation and improve the business climate ... expanding our successful job creation tax credits for biotech, and research and development. And, by creating a new cyber security tax credit. ...

“... Your vote on the EARN bill, will allow us to partner with business to equip more of our workers with the skills they need to fill the jobs that are in highest demand.”

Gov. Jay Nixon, State of the State Address, Jan. 28, 2013
“Two years ago, I convened a summit to lay out my agenda for higher education. I challenged the leaders of all our public two- and four-year institutions to develop a new funding model — based on performance. And that's what we did.

“My budget includes an increase of $34 million for higher education. But instead of funding schools based merely on what they've received in the past, we'll tie new funding to specific performance goals — like increased student retention, higher graduation rates and improved learning. ...

“... [W]e need to streamline Missouri's economic incentive programs — and there are a lot of them - so that they're easier to use and understand. ...

“... With our perfect Triple-A credit rating intact and interest rates at all-time lows, we now have a unique opportunity to move forward with a bond issuance. ... a targeted bond issuance will provide funds for cutting-edge university research facilities in areas critical to our competitiveness, such as engineering, math, and science.”

Gov. Steve Bullock, State of the State Address, Jan. 30, 2013
“We know an educated workforce is the foundation for a prosperous economy. So let's commit to increasing the number of Montana adults with a post-secondary degree or professional certificate to at least 60 percent over the next decade. ...

“... I have included proposals in this budget that move us in this direction. ... My budget includes an agreement to freeze tuition across the university system. I urge you to honor it.”

Gov. Bill Haslam, State of the State Address, Jan. 28, 2013
“Only 32 percent of Tennesseans have earned an associates' degree or higher. That's not good enough. Our goal is to move the needle so that Tennessee is on track to raise that number to 55 percent by 2025. Tonight we begin our ‘drive to 55’ — a strategic initiative to have the best trained workforce in America.

“... Last summer, I traveled the state visiting with employers and educators about ways we can do a better job of matching the skills we're teaching our students with the real-life skills that employers are looking for to fill jobs. Out of those conversations, one thing I heard consistently is that our technology centers are having a lot of success. They're graduating nearly 79 percent of their students, and close to 80 percent are getting jobs, and there are jobs available for the specific skills they're preparing their students for in communities across the state. Their challenges are with capacity and equipment. To help them train more people to fill demand of Tennessee employers, $16.5 million are in the budget for equipment and technology related to workforce development programs at our technology centers and community colleges.”

Gov. Rick Perry, State of the State Address, Jan. 29, 2013
“... [W]e must do everything we can to continue making higher education an achievable dream for all Texans. To that end, I've called for a four-year tuition freeze for incoming freshmen ...

“... Currently less than 30 percent of full-time students at our four-year institutions graduate in four years, and only 58 percent have their degree in six.

“That's why we should tie at least a portion of state funding — I'm suggesting a minimum of 10 percent - based on the number of graduates. ...

“... Last fall, I announced an initiative that will bring industries and our technical and community colleges together to create a statewide model that will enable students to swiftly earn their technical certifications at an affordable cost. ...

“... Under this framework, an individual will be able to attain certain certification in a high-demand industry, utilizing competency-based learning to allow students to gain credit for skills they have already mastered.”

Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, Texastech talkin govs, tax credits, workforce