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TEDCO Actively Seeding Start-ups

August 01, 2007

The Maryland Technology Development Corporation has awarded more than $500,000 to seven start-up technology companies. The program, TEDCO’s Maryland Technology Transfer Fund (MTTF), is designed to help businesses transfer technology from Maryland universities and federal laboratories into the marketplace. The grants range between $70,000 and $75,000.


TEDCO reports that MTTF has provided funding to 71 companies. With a total investment of $4,078,793, these companies have gone on to receive downstream funding from angel and venture investors, federal awards and other resources exceeding $152.4 million.


You can learn firsthand about this program and other TEDCO initiatives underway at SSTI’s 11th Annual Conference, Transforming Regional Economies, Oct. 18-19, 2007. Register and learn more about the conference at http://www.ssticonference.org/conference07.htm.
