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Updated SBIR/STTR website more organized and accessible

June 04, 2020

The Small Business Administration (SBA) recently rolled out a new website for the SBIR/STTR program which SBA administers. Reorganized and including new landing pages for entrepreneurs, support organizations, and federal agencies, the new page provides quicker and easier access to the right information.

For entrepreneurs interested in the SBIR/STTR program, the new landing page provides information on how to confirm eligibility, register and edit company information, and apply for funding. There are also links for video tutorials, contacts for local assistance, a schedule of events, and several success stories.

The new website provides support organizations with a landing page that shows local awards, allows organizations to view training activities and submit their own events. The landing page also provides links to the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program and the Growth Accelerator Fund Competition (GAFC) pages.

The new landing page for federal agencies now provides swifter access to information on how to procure technologies, share success stories, and access additional agency and program data.

Additionally, the new page is organized so that award data, annual reports, and economic impact reports are more easily accessible under a “Reports” tab, and are accompanied by dashboards enabling users to more easily sort out and download specific information.

sbir, sttr, sba