Useful Stats: Federal R&D Spending by State, Per Capita, 2000-2004
The National Science Foundation has released the 2004 results of its annual survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development series. The report provides a breakdown of federal R&D obligations by R&D and R&D plant for federal agency, type of performer, character of work, field of science and engineering, and geography. Estimates for 2005 and 2006 obligations are included for most statistical tables, with the exception of geographic distribution of funds. The most recent data available by state is for fiscal year 2004.
Securing more federal R&D funds captivates significant attention from many state TBED initiatives. Tables 128-131 provide historical data by state from 1985-2004.
To standardize the data to aid in comparisons, SSTI has prepared a table presenting federal R&D obligations by state on a per capita basis for the five-year period, 2000-2004. California tops the list in real dollars at just over $19 billion but falls to 10th overall on a per-capita basis. The District of Columbia, however, leads the states on a per-capita basis at $5,473. Second place is Maryland's distant $2,275. At $1,756 in third, New Mexico, home to two large Department. of Energy labs, is the only other state to exceed $1,000. Virginia took fourth place ($853) and Massachusetts fifth ($831). Alabama, Connecticut, Alaska, Mississippi and California round out the top 10 for per capita federal R&D spending.
SSTI's table is available at:
The NSF report, Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2004-2006, is available at:
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