Virginia Plans for the Future
Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) has adopted a new strategic plan through the year 2000. The new plan considers the appropriate balance between short-term and long-term goals and places CIT in a position to serve Virginia as it builds its 21st century knowledge-based economy.
The most significant change in the plan is the development of CIT's role in shaping Virginia's plans for technology. CIT will be a leader in the Commonwealth's efforts to develop and implement a technology strategy. Toward that goal, CIT has already assisted in the development of A Blueprint for Technology-Based Economic Growth in Virginia.
The Blueprint analyzes four key issues related to technology development. It also outlines specific actions Virginia must take to strengthen its economic competitiveness.
The Blueprint defines four areas as critical to Virginia's technology competitiveness: development of a highly-skilled workforce; implementation of a knowledge-based infrastructure; the nurturing of an entrepreneurial environment; and the deployment of manufacturing and information technologies.
The Blueprint is a collaborative effort designed to evaluate the importance of technology to Virginia's economic growth and to craft a plan of action for the Commonwealth's emergence as a national and global technology leader. Seven industry groups and six regions contributed to the development of the Blueprint.
To review the Blueprint, visit CIT's website at and click on the Virginia Technology Summit icon. To receive a copy of the Blueprint call 703/689-3034. To receive a copy of the strategic plan, call 703/689-3049.