Wisconsin Legislature Considers VC Bills
The Wisconsin Legislature presently faces two bills which could greatly boost venture capital funds in the state.
Clearing the Senate October 26, Senate Bill (SB) 296 requires the state investment board to invest up to $50 million in venture capital investment firms and to provide a high-technology business development corporation a grant of up to $2.5 million in FY 2001-02. Intended to help place Wisconsin at the fore of biotechnology, the bill supports the creation, development and retention of science- and technology-based businesses.
Receiving passage by House representatives on October 17, Assembly Bill (AB) 579 would provide capital investments totaling $100 million to companies with a 100 employees or less and a net worth of $5 million or less. The bill would require that the companies also be located in and have their headquarters in Wisconsin.
SB 296 and AB 579 await passage by the House and Senate, respectively. More information on both is available under 2001 Legislative Activity at the Wisconsin State Legislature website: http://www.legis.state.wi.us/