
Documents for SSTI Members

January 31, 2017

State Tech Commercialization Models

In most states in the U.S., multiple organizations provide support for technology commercialization (the process of transforming research and innovation into new products, services or businesses), and many states provide direct financial support to more than one organization providing these services. States have found that this approach helps to better-serve the scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs and others who are developing the innovations that the state wants to help transform into new jobs and products.

December 08, 2016

State Innovation Economy Programs

This report provides information on state programs to support innovation economies, with an emphasis on programs that can be used by the funding recipients to address the areas of greatest need.

October 03, 2016

Universities & Venture Capital Research Notes

The notes provide descriptions of 16 funds affiliated with universities throughout the country. Broadly speaking, these funds fall into the categories of: pre-seed funds, seed and angel funds, student-led funds, third-party funds, and new funds that are not yet clearly defined. This list does not include accelerators, incubators, or grant programs that may target a similar area of activity but without the same direct investment and equity relationship.

August 04, 2016

State Venture Capital Fund Management Report

This report developed by SSTI provides information on a survey of state organizations that use contractors to deliver state-funded seed and venture capital programs. Topics include the ownership of returns to the fund and ultimately responsibility for investment decisions.

April 01, 2016

State Agencies Supporting Industry Clusters

This brief provides an overview on: why a state may be interested in pursuing clusters as an economic development tool; typical activities undertaken by states to support industry clusters; and, notable lessons learned. Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, and South Carolina each provide different examples of states that have pursued a cluster strategy to varying degrees.

December 10, 2015

How TBED Organizations Provide Financial Support to Private Companies

In July 2015, SSTI and the Maine Technology Incubator conducted a survey of a select group of SSTI member organizations about the nature of their financial support of client companies, their criteria for investment and self-evaluation of those criteria. Twenty-one organizations participated, representing 16 states. 

December 06, 2015

Trends 2015 Presentation

From student debt to manufacturing employment; from budget crises to emerging programs, this document by SSTI President and CEO Dan Berglund reviews the major trends of 2015 and looks ahead to 2016. Created for the popular "Trends" plenary at SSTI's Annual Conference, the presentation touched upon a wide range of issues that affect the potential actions and impacts of the technology-based economic development community. 

October 15, 2015

Public-Supported Equity Funds

This index includes an overview of public-supported equity programs broken down by fund structure (e.g., fund-of-funds, direct equity). Details include the program title, location, fund type, eligibility, description and link for further information.

January 23, 2015

Intrastate Crowdfunding Exemptions

This research brief provides an overview of five states highlighting the similarity of most intrastate crowdfunding exemptions. Due to the small size of the crowdfunding community, the states have leveraged the advice from a small number of experts in both industry and academia. They also have developed their exemptions using other states and the proposed federal regulations as a model. The three major elements of the intrastate crowdfunding exemptions -annual investment cap for businesses; individual investor cap; and, reporting requirements/investors protection.

December 23, 2014

Capital Gains Tax Exclusions

In addition to the current federal tax on long-term capital gains, taxpayers have to pay state and local capital gains taxes on their income. Nine US states currently have no personal income tax, and as a result, they have the lowest capital gains tax. According to a policy brief released by the State of Minnesota, 16 states and the District of Columbia have preferential treatment of long-term gains on certain investments (e.g. in-state, new business, farmland, low-income housing).


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