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New Mexico Adds Tax Credit, Loan Program to TBED Portfolio

April 18, 2005

Tech firms in New Mexico received happy tax news on April 4 as Gov. BIll Richardson signed several bills to encourage economic growth across New Mexico. House Bill 410 authorizes the Small Business Technology Tax Credit, created to attract R&D investment into the state by providing small companies with a three-year “tax holiday.” The tax credit is available to businesses with total revenue of $5 million or less, no more than 25 employees, and qualified research expenditures of at least 20 percent.

Gov. Richardson also signed H.B. 518, the SMART Money Initiative, which creates a $10 million fund to be used as loans for companies looking to build or expand in New Mexico, particularly in rural areas. The initiative will be administered by the New Mexico Finance Authority and is estimated to grow to $30 million over 10 years with loan paybacks. The governor anticipates the state's one-time $10 million investment will net approximately 3,000 jobs over the decade.

Both bills were priorities for Gov. Richardson during this session of the state legislature (see the Jan. 24 issue of the Digest). For more information on the individual bills, visit the New Mexico Legislative website at http://legis.state.nm.us/.

New Mexico