
Is an apprenticeship program the right fit for your community?

For communities hoping to start and register an apprenticeship program, a new toolkit by the Department of Labor may offer some insight. Launched as part of National Apprenticeship Week (Nov. 12-18, 2018), “Building Registered Apprenticeship Programs” provides a guide to help start and register your apprenticeship program. The toolkit includes five steps: exploration of apprenticeships as a strategy to meet regional needs; partnerships with key players to develop the program; building the core components of the program; registration with the broader apprenticeship network; and, launching the program.

NexusLA launches Louisiana’s first IT apprenticeship program in Baton Rouge

NexusLA announced the launch of Apprenti Louisiana –  the state’s first registered information technology (IT) apprenticeship program. NexusLA, a Research Park Corporation subsidiary, will partner with Apprenti to support the program. Apprenti, a Seattle-based apprenticeship model, was launched in 2015 by the Washington Technology Industry Association and is now expanding in communities across the U.S.

New reports provide insights into future federal apprenticeship, credentialing efforts

Two recently released, federally funded reports from the Urban Institute and Workcred provide insights into the Trump administration’s efforts to develop competency-based apprenticeships and new workforce credentials. Over the past year, the Trump administration has positioned these two workforce development approaches as the central focus of its workforce development planning.

Developed under a contract from the Department of Labor (DOL), the Urban Institute released the first set of recommendations for competency-based occupational apprenticeship frameworks. Separately, in partnership with National Institute of Standards and Technology Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST-MEP), Workcred – an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) affiliate – published a report to help strengthen the quality, value and effectiveness of manufacturing credentials in the United States.

Federal apprenticeship report getting mixed reviews

The President’s Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion released a new report focused on “strategies and recommendations to promote apprenticeships, especially in sectors where existing apprenticeship programs are insufficient.” A key element of President Trump’s federal workforce development agenda, apprenticeships are seen as an effective tool for addressing the skills gap confronting U.S. employers and a pathway to a well-paying careers for American workers. The report includes recommendations across five areas related to apprenticeships including: education and credentialing; attracting business to apprenticeship; expanding access, equity, and career awareness; and, administrative and regulatory strategies to expand apprenticeship. While proponents of apprenticeships were supportive of several recommendations proposed within the report, the task force also faced criticism due to proposed cuts to other Department of Labor programs to pay for the expansion of federal funding for apprenticeships, and push back and questions from those in higher education.


Apprenticeships, entrepreneurs celebrated

The third annual National Apprenticeship week will be celebrated next week, with more than 700 activities planned across the country to showcase programs, facilities and apprentices. For those still interested in participating through an open house, skills competition, or other event, there is still time to register your event.


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