economic impact report

Leadership Wanted: U.S. Public Opinions on Manufacturing

A new report released by Deloitte on "U.S. Public Opinions on Manufacturing" reveals that a strong majority of Americans consider manufacturing to be the most important industry in the country. But while nearly two-thirds of Americans (64 percent) believe our manufacturing industry can be globally competitive in the 21st century, most Americans (46 percent) see the manufacturing sector getting weaker or at best staying the same (32 percent). Nearly two-thirds of Americans view the government's current support for the manufacturing industry, as well as current trade and tax policies, to be harmful to our country's ability to remain globally competitive. Read the report...

Coming Home: A Look at the U.S. Reshoring Movement

Manufacturers across the nation celebrated National Manufacturing Day on Friday and the topic on many people's minds was reshoring. Earlier this week, General Motors announced it will build a software development center in Michigan, joining a number of companies like Google, Caterpillar, GE and Ford who all have revealed plans to make products in the U.S. previously outsourced or purchased overseas. Although the prospect of a reshoring trend and resurgence in U.S. manufacturing has been a topic of debate, there are still skeptics who say the evidence of this movement is highly anecdotal and the U.S. still faces a future of offshoring.

Big Data: The Next Big Thing in Economic Development?

In 2012, Big Data has become one of the hottest topics in the news and the minds of both government and business leaders. Big Data is the collection and analysis of data that is too big, growing too fast or is too complex for existing information technology systems to handle. Proponents believe that Big Data provides business, government and other organizations (e.g., nonprofit and social enterprises) the potential to generate high quality insight that enable better decision making, increase productivity, reduce inefficiencies, create new products and services and spur economic growth. In an OPED for, Jonathan Feldman contends existing Big Data projects already are creating social and economic value for business firms and regions, including now-ubiquitous projects such as Google Maps.

Online Tool to Help Practitioners Weigh, Assess and Communicate Investments

Borrowing from an industry sector phrase used to describe a complete view of investment impact, the Economic Development Administration (EDA) unveiled its new Triple Bottom Line tool to help economic development practitioners and investors assess, compare and communicate the potential impact of projects. EDA says the triple bottom line approach can help better align economic development investments with other community priorities to maximize impact.

Kentucky's Innovation Economy Review in Report

Businesses that received Kentucky incentives reported creating 55,173 jobs between 2001 and 2010, according to a report from the Anderson Economic Group (AEG). In addition, each year approximately 33,000 jobs were maintained due to the incentives. In 2010, the gross cost to the commonwealth was $140 million and averaged $3,330 per job per year between 2001 and 2010. The report's authors also compared Kentucky to 15 peer states (e.g., Indiana, Missouri, South Carolina) and provided ways to encourage growth in knowledge-based industries. Read the report...

Report Highlights Economic Impact of Tech Transfer on U.S. Economy Between 1996 and 2010

The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) released a report on the significant economic impact of university and nonprofit institution patent licensing on the U.S. economy between 1996 and 2012. According to The Economic Contribution of University/Nonprofit Inventions in the United States: 1996-2010, the economic impact data related to patent licensing from university and nonprofit institutions indicated:

MA, RI Release State Innovation Benchmark Studies

TBED organizations in Massachusetts and Rhode Island recently published comprehensive reviews of their respective state innovation economies. Both studies employ metrics of the general economy, as well as indicators of STEM education, research, venture investment and technology industry activity. They also use data from other state economies to track their progress in creating a vibrant and sustainable innovation ecosystem. The reports provide a useful set of innovation metrics that can be applied in other regions.

U.S. Manufactures Face a Shortage of Skilled Workers, According to New Report

American manufacturing companies cannot fill as many as 600,000 skilled positions — even as unemployment numbers hover at historic levels — according to Boiling Point? The Skills Gap in U.S. Manufacturing, a new report from Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute. This annual skills report provides a stark snapshot of the manufacturing sector's inability to find qualified workers.

New ITIF Report Benchmarks National Policies and Programs Supporting Manufacturers

The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) released International Benchmarking of Countries' Policies and Programs Supporting SME Manufacturers — a new report that identifies and analyzes manufacturing support programs and practices for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have been implemented in ten foreign countries (i.e., Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Spain and the United Kingdom), in addition to those of the United States. The authors, Stephen Ezell and Robert D. Atkinson Ph.D., provide a cross-national comparison of countries' SME manufacturing support programs and pratices across five categories:

University R&D and Venture Capital Rise, While Business Growth Declines in Maine

Three recent reports from Maine provide insight into the challenges of fostering an innovative economy in a rural state. Overall, the research suggests that Maine has done well in its efforts to support startups, but could do more to help those startups expand and find new markets. By encouraging innovation-based businesses to expand to markets outside of Maine and by offering mentoring services, the state could overcome the stagnation that can occur when companies and states focus on local markets.


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