
New research finds successful entrepreneurs are older than stereotypes suggest

Age is a predictor of entrepreneurial success – and not in the ways that many might expect – according to a new National Bureau of Economic Research article. While the venture capital community and the media sensationalize young entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, the authors of Age and High-Growth Entrepreneurship – Pierre Azoulay, J. Daniel Kim, Benjamin Jones, and Javier Miranda – find that older entrepreneurs have more success.

Recent Research: Student involvement overlooked in university entrepreneurship efforts

While conventional wisdom suggests that university entrepreneurship efforts should focus on faculty spinoffs or student inventions, recent research highlights the importance of student talent in entrepreneurial ecosystems. In an effort to create employment opportunities in the startup space, several universities throughout the country are implementing programs that embed students into their local startup communities.  

Mentoring programs explored to find best practices

Mentoring programs may be celebrated across the nation as January marks National Mentoring Month, a movement started in 2002 to raise awareness of mentoring in all its forms. But more could be done to make programs more effective in both university and non-university settings, according to a recent working paper from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Mentoring in Startup Ecosystems, by Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, et al, found that mentoring is fundamental to founder education, but that such programs could be improved, especially at universities.

Immigrant founders fuel list of most successful American companies

Adding to the national debate regarding U.S. immigration policy, the Center for American Entrepreneurship (CAE) reviewed the 2017 Fortune 500 list, finding that 43 percent of the companies were founded or co-founded by a first or second generation immigrant. Those companies account for 52 percent of the top 25 firms, are headquartered in 33 different states, and accounted for $5.3 trillion in global revenue in 2016, the CAE analysis found. CAE posits that such analysis provides strong support for the creation of an entrepreneur visa, a piece of the Startup Act, the bipartisan legislation which SSTI has supported.

Growth of technology-based startups helps power US economy

Despite concern that America’s entrepreneurial engine is severely damaged, new research from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) finds that the number of technology-based startups has grown by 47 percent from 2007 to 2016, with wage growth higher than the national average. Because of their high growth potential, the authors suggest that technology-based startups should be the primary focus of entrepreneurship policy. To bolster these types of entrepreneurs, the authors propose recommendations across four main areas: tax reform, regulatory reform, STEM skills, and technology transfer.

New efforts support veterans in entrepreneurship, STEM careers

Last week in honor of Veteran’s Day, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, states, universities, and various nonprofits announced new efforts that are intended to help U.S. veterans succeed as entrepreneurs and launch careers in 21st century STEM-driven fields. From tax credits in Massachusetts to online training in data analytics, efforts will focus on providing veterans with the necessary training, education, tools, capital, and other resources to create a better future for those veterans, their families, and communities across the country.

Apprenticeships, entrepreneurs celebrated

The third annual National Apprenticeship week will be celebrated next week, with more than 700 activities planned across the country to showcase programs, facilities and apprentices. For those still interested in participating through an open house, skills competition, or other event, there is still time to register your event.

Entrepreneurial growth spreads outside typical hubs

Entrepreneurial growth continues to rebound and is spreading to different industries and geographies, according to the 2017 Kauffman Index of Growth Entrepreneurship, yet the report also states that entrepreneurial growth “continues to be a rare phenomenon. Most firms are not growth firms.” The five metropolitan areas with the highest levels of entrepreneurship were, in order: Washington, D.C.; Austin; Columbus, Ohio; Nashville; and Atlanta, according to the report. The five largest states with the highest entrepreneurial growth activity were Virginia, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts and Texas. The smallest population states with the highest entrepreneurial growth were Utah, Hawaii, North Dakota, Nevada and New Hampshire.

How IPO’s can affect innovation, talent, and entrepreneurship

Initial public offerings (IPOs) can alleviate financing constraints and help support important activities such as operations, R&D, and expansion. Despite these perceived benefits, new research finds that the transition to public equity – and the financial windfalls that follow – prompt many of a company’s early innovators to depart the firm, which has impacts on both innovation internally and at other firms.  The departures of founders and early employees from post-exit startups presents challenges and opportunities for venture development and entrepreneurial support organizations.

While rural entrepreneurship declines, rural businesses nearly match urban peers’ innovativeness

Two recent reports provide good news and bad news regarding innovation in America’s rural areas. Only one in six individuals living in rural areas was self-employed in 2016 — down from one in four in 1988, according to a new issue brief from the Small Business Administration (SBA). This represents a decline of nearly 20 percent over that span of time. Meanwhile, a recent report from the Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (USDA ERS) found that between 2010 and 2014 rural businesses in some nonfarm tradable industries are as likely to be substantive innovators as their urban peers. This is especially true across manufacturing industries with nearly identical rates of substantive innovation between both rural and urban companies.


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