federal budget

Highlights from the President's FY17 National Science Foundation Budget Request

Estimated FY16 funding levels are used for NSF comparisons, unless otherwise noted.

Highlights from the President's FY17 Department of Labor Budget Request

Enacted FY16 funding is used for comparisons unless otherwise noted.
The president’s FY17 budget proposal would provide $12.8 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Labor (DOL), a 4.9 percent increase from FY16. Priority items supported in the budget are apprenticeships, career navigation tools, and additional reforms recommended in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Highlights from the President's FY17 NASA Budget Request

FY16 enacted funding is used for NASA comparisons, unless otherwise noted.
Under the president’s FY17 budget request, NASA would receive $19 billion (1.6 percent decrease). For a number of programs, FY16 comparisons are unavailable because NASA’s FY16 operation plan has not been finalized. Priority items in the NASA budget include the development of technologies that make future space programs more affordable and capable, continued support for the Webb Telescope, and developments to catalyze growth in the American commercial space industry.

Highlights from the President's FY17 Small Business Administration Budget Request

Enacted FY16 funding levels are used for comparisons unless otherwise noted.
Small Business Administration (SBA) funding in the president’s FY17 budget request totals $719 million (1 percent increase), excluding Stafford Act Disaster Funding. Within that total, $230.6 million (level funding) is provided for counseling and technical assistance for entrepreneurs. Another $152.7 million (level funding) is provided for SBA’s loan programs. In FY16, the agency’s 504 loan guarantee program became zero subsidy, eliminating a larger portion of the appropriation for SBA’s business loan programs, but not impacting programmatic activities in FY17.

Highlights from the President's FY17 Regional Commissions Budget Request

The president’s FY17 budget proposal includes requests for four regional commissions, which work to develop the economies of economically distressed regions. 

Highlights from the President's FY17 Department of Housing and Urban Development Budget Request

Estimated FY16 funding is used for comparisons unless otherwise noted.
The president’s FY17 budget request for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is $48.9 billion, a 4 percent increase. Priority funding items within HUD include rental housing assistance, ending homelessness, supporting tribal communities, and improving mobility for low-income families.

Highlights from the President's FY17 Environmental Protection Agency Budget Request

Enacted FY16 funding is used for comparisons unless otherwise noted.
The president’s FY17 budget request of $8.3 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reflects a 1.6 percent increase from the FY16 enacted budget. The main priority goals identified by the agency are to: reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks; advance resilience in the nation’s water infrastructure; clean up contaminated sites to enhance the livability and economic vitality of communities; assess and reduce risks posed by chemicals; and, strengthen environmental protection through business process improvements.

Highlights from the President's FY17 Department of Transportation Budget Request

Enacted FY16 funding is used for the Department of Transportation comparisons, unless otherwise noted.
The president’s FY17 budget request for the Department of Transportation (DOT) totals $98.1 billion (35.5 percent increase), including a vision to build a clean transportation system for the 21st century. Notable investments in research and development from the Department of Transportation include:

Highlights from the President's FY17 Department of the Treasury Budget Request

Enacted FY16 funding levels are used for comparisons unless otherwise noted.
Proposed FY17 funding for the Department of the Treasury totals $13.3 billion (5.3 percent increase) in discretionary funds, with an additional $2.3 billion for international assistance programs. Much of the increase in funding is attributable to a major investment in cybersecurity under a new $109.8 million initiative. The Treasury request also includes $250 million toward the U.S. pledge to the Green Climate Fund, which would be combined with another $500 million through the Department of State.

Highlights from the President's FY17 Department of the Interior Budget Request

Enacted FY16 funding levels are used for comparisons unless otherwise noted.
 The president’s FY17 budget request for the Department of the Interior (DOI) would provide $13.4 billion (0.5percent increase) in discretionary funding. DOI’s primary research agency, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) would receive $1.2 billion (10.1 percent increase). With the proposed funding levels, DOI would participate in cross-agency initiatives related to Arctic research, water infrastructure, clean energy, climate change and economic realignment for coal communities.


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