policy recommendations

OMB Proposes Better Process for Applying for, Awarding Federal Grants

The Office of Budget and Management published a set of proposed reforms to streamline the federal grant process by consolidating the multiple federal regulations with duplicative requirements into a single, comprehensive uniform policy guide. The office hopes to augment efficiency and effectiveness, strengthen oversight and reduce fraud and waste, which is a growing concern. The proposal includes specific recommendations to reform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements and is open for comment through May 2, 2013. Read more...

Advanced Manufacturing Seen as Key to Capturing New Opportunities for States

Following a year-long policy academy intended to help states prepare new strategies for economic growth by fostering collaboration and shared experiences, eight states have agreed to bring a renewed focus to advanced manufacturing. State leaders concur that the manufacturing sector is too important to lose and is rapidly evolving. With change, however, comes a unique opportunity to capture new leadership roles and address global issues that threaten public health and safety. A report from the National Governors Association (NGA) summarizes the work and findings from the group and provides guidance for other states.

Kauffman President Sees Positive Signs on Horizon for U.S. Entrepreneurship

Tom McDonnell, President and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation, on Tuesday presented the organization's outlook on the current level of entrepreneurial activity in the U.S.. He began with news that there was growing national consensus that entrepreneurs can help promote growth in the sluggish economy, but cited challenges in capital financing and regulations. He directed many of his recommendations towards federal agencies, including the Federal Reserve and the SEC, urging better data collection efforts, improved metrics, and consideration of innovation in developing regulatory policy. Small Business Administrator Karen Mills then outlined three distinct agency strategies to promote entrepreneurial ecosystems before the session concluded with a panel discussion. Watch the address...

Three Bold Proposals to Revive U.S. Manufacturing Base Unveiled

The Brookings Institute, in partnership with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), released three bold policy proposals intended to bolster the competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing and advanced industries sector by improving innovation, workforce, and higher education connections. Each proposal paper provides a compelling argument for the federal government to make a strategic investment that will help to renew the national, state and local manufacturing bases to address poor U.S. economic performance since the Great Recession including sagging gross domestic product (less than 2 percent annually growth), skyrocketing numbers of individuals living in/near poverty and wage stagnation. Proposals include 20 U.S. manufacturing universities, a network of advanced industries innovation HUBs and a competition for states and a Race to the Shop competition.

Review Calls for External Scientific Oversight for CA Stem Cell Research

In a new report, the National Academies' Institute of Medicine (IOM) praises the remarkable research output of California's Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) during its first seven years, but recommends several changes in oversight that could improve the quality and defensibility of its work. IOM suggests that external scientific reviews and independent oversight of the institute's management could help ameliorate concerns about conflicts of interest and increase transparency.

Presidential Report Calls for New Innovation Ecosystem for Agricultural Research

In a report, the President's Council of Advisors on Science & Technology recommends that the federal government should launch a coordinated effort to boost American agricultural science by increasing public investments.

Calls Increase for a National Innovation Agency

Two organizations have in recent weeks called on the United States to create a national federal office of innovation to help focus and concentrate innovation across the country.

Building Progress Towards Successful K-12 STEM Education

The National Research Council has released a report that establishes key indicators for measuring improvement to the U.S. K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education system. The report lays out three key goals for national K-12 STEM education: expand the number of students who pursue advanced degrees and careers in STEM fields, and broaden sector participation for women and minorities; expand the STEM workforce and broaden the participation of women and minorities; and, increase science literacy for all students in the U.S. education system. The authors point out that progress has been made during the past decade; national common core standards in STEM education have already been adopted by 45 states.

Investment in Broadband Infrastructure Drives Economic Growth, Competitiveness

While Washington remains in political gridlock and the national economy continues sluggish growth, one key trend for political and economic success is apparent: U.S. metro regions experiencing high economic growth have invested federal, state, and private funds in high-speed broadband access.

Preserving U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Requires New Strategies

In the aftermath of an election cycle in which manufacturing emerged as a key point of contention in many races, several groups are taking stock of the state of U.S. manufacturing competitiveness. The 2012 edition of the Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, based on a survey of senior manufacturing executives, projects that the U.S. will fall from third most competitive nation to fifth over the next five years. In order to stave off declining competitiveness, authors of a McKinsey Global Institute report suggest that manufacturing be viewed as a critical driver of U.S. innovation, requiring flexible federal intervention as the lines between manufacturing and services become blurred.


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