
Innovation and Commercialization in Atlantic Canada

January 01, 2002

The report aims to assist the Atlantic Provinces in identifying ways to improve the areas economy through research and development (R&D) and concludes that economies dominated by natural resource exploitation are subject to periods of boom and bust. The report calls for an aggressive two-pronged program to facilitate investment in industry-driven applied R&D in the provinces.

High-Technology Activities in Arizona

January 01, 2002

The analysis prepared for the California Manufacturing and Technology Association finds that manufacturing is a robust driver of Californias economy. The Milken Institutes assessment reveals that the regional purchase coefficient was 2.4 greater in California than the national average. Included in the report are detailed analyses of manufacturings contributions to the states major and smaller metro areas.

University Research, Industrial R&D, and the Anchor Tenant Hypothesis

January 01, 2002

The paper examines geographic concentration, agglomeration, and co-location of university research and industrial R&D in three technological areas: medical imaging, neural networks, and signal processing.

Regional Knowledge Transfer Through Public Research Spin-offs

January 01, 2002

The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the spatial distribution of new firm formations by
researchers from universities and public research organisations, based on a representative data set for Germany.

U.S. Corporate R&D Investment, 1994 - 2000 Final Estimates

January 01, 2002

According to final estimates from the Office of Technology Policy’s U.S. Corporate research and development (R&D) data series, R&D investment rose sharply in current dollars from $146.3 billion in 1999 to $164.5 billion in 2000 or an increase of 12.4%. The report provides data on nine “major sectors” and at the sub-sector level, 46 “detailed industries,” based on the North American Industry Classification System.

Measuring R&D Spillovers: On the Importance of Geographic and Technological Proximity

January 01, 2002

The report presents evidence to suggest that an important measure of an apparent geographic localization of research and development spillovers may be an artifact of industrial agglomeration. The largest spillovers are found to flow between firms in the same industry.

Future R&D Environments: A Report for the National Institute of Standards and Technology

January 01, 2002

The report studies the trends and forces in science and technology, industrial management, the economy, and society that are likely to affect research and development as well as the introduction of technological innovations over the next 5 to 10 years.

R&D, Implementation and Stagnation: A Schumpeterian Theory of Convergence Clubs

January 01, 2002

The authors construct a Schumpeterian growth theory consistent with the divergence in per-capita income that has occurred between countries since the mid 19th Century, and with the convergence that occurred between the richest countries during the second half of the 20th Century.

Global Tech Update: Issue No.1 – The European Union’s Research Framework Program

January 01, 2002

Priority research areas within the Framework Program include: information technology, life sciences, nanotechnology, ecosystems, and aerospace. The report outlines the program objectives and describes its potential benefit to the United States.

R&D, Innovation, and Technological Progress: A Test of the Schumpeterian Framework without Scale Effects

January 01, 2002

The report establishes a connection among research and development intensity, patenting, technological change and economic growth. Two-digit SIC code industry data from U.S. manufacturing between 1963-1988 is used. The report suggests that policy makers may conclude from this research that efforts to increase the role of research and development in an economy will have a significant economic impact.


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