
Developments in the Organization and Finance of Public Agricultural Research in the United States, 1988-1999

January 01, 2005

This paper describes major external changes to the U.S. public agricultural research system over 1988-1999; describes the reactions of the public agricultural research system to the external changes, specifying the innovations that have occurred over the last decade; and draws conclusions about the present and future performance of the U.S. research system.

Economics of Pharmaceutical Crops: Potential Benefits and Risks for Farmers and Rural Communities

January 01, 2005

The report provides an assessment of the issue—identifying the sources of potential benefits, qualitatively estimating the magnitude of these benefits (it is too early for quantitative analysis), and identifying those who may or may not benefit from pharma crops and under what circumstances.

Patterns of Rural Non-Farm Diversification and Employment in Romania: A County Level Analysis

January 01, 2005

The present paper relies on community-level data from a survey conducted in two Romanian Counties, Dolj and Brasov, to analyse the main determinants of NFD in rural areas. The main findings are placed in a national context and policy proposals are advanced.

Rural Non-Farm Economy and Poverty Alleviation in Armenia, Georgia and Romania: A Synthesis of Findings

January 01, 2005

The aims of this study are to improve understanding of the dynamics of the rural non-farm economy in providing employment and income diversification opportunities in Armenia, Georgia and Romania. The study aims to focus on improving the well-being and livelihoods of the rural population, through developing their capacity to access resources and actively participate in non-farm rural enterprise and employment opportunities

Rural Non-Farm Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation in Romania

January 01, 2005

This paper tests the hypothesis that two processes are apparent: demand-pull, where rural people respond to new opportunities; and distress-push, where the poorest are driven to seek non-farm employment as a survival strategy. The empirical work presented in this paper is primarily based on a large (nationwide) rural household survey and other field- related research representing a broad range of methodologies.

Likely Regional Impacts of an Agricultural Emissions Policy in New Zealand: Preliminary Analysis

January 01, 2005

The authors find that an emissions charge on agricultural methane and nitrous oxide of $25 per tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent would be likely to reduce New Zealand’s net land-use related emissions for commitment period one in the order of 3%, with full accounting. Findings also indicate that areas with high emission costs tend to have high employment rates, but that they also have a disproportionately high number of unqualified people.

Economic Importance of Agri-food Industries in Iowa

January 01, 2005

This study investigates the value of Iowa’s agri-food industries. The investigators define the agri-food industries to include agricultural production, primary food processing, other agricultural commodity processing, and agricultural input manufacturing and distribution activities. These definitions are used to aggregate data obtained from the IMPLAN economic impact modeling system to generate both industry-specific estimates of output value and value added in production and an export-based analysis of agri-food exports from Iowa which include all Iowa-sourced input values.

Iowa Perspective for Enhancing Rural Development and Vitality in the 2007 Farm Bill

January 01, 2005

According to the authors, the WTO decisions and evolving farm bill context appear to generate some opportunities for designing incremental and new policy mechanisms that would add to the incomes of farmers and rural people without further eroding the competitiveness of U.S. farmers by capitalizing direct payments directly into land values.

New Architecture of Rural Prosperity

January 01, 2005

Although measurable progress has been made in the past several decades, the rural South continues to lag the nation in educational achievement, health care and economic performance, according to the report. More than 2,200 southerners participated in focus groups, forums and surveys to provide input.

Agricultural Technology and Poverty Reduction: A Micro-level Analysis of Causal Effects

January 01, 2005

This study is aimed at contributing to the debate about the relative importance of direct effects of agricultural technology adoption in poverty all eviation strategies.


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