
Competitiveness in Rural U.S. Regions: Learning and Research Agenda

January 01, 2004

The authors contend that current policies to improve the disappointing economic performance of rural regions are, by and large, not working. The United States does, however, have the need and the opportunity to lead in this field.

Underfunded Regionalism in the Developing World

January 01, 2004

This paper argues that regional public goods in developing countries are under-funded despite their potentially high rates of return compared to traditional country-focused investments. In Africa the under-funding of regional public goods is primarily a political and institutional challenge to be met by the countries in this region. But the donor community ought to consider the opportunity cost of its relative neglect, and explore changes in the aid architecture that would encourage more attention to regional goods.

Bridging Research, Policy, and Practice in African Agriculture

January 01, 2004

The paper addresses policy research on African agriculture, which is long on prescriptions for what needs to be done to spur agricultural growth but short on how such prescriptions might be implemented in practice.

Wind Powers Contribution to Electric Power Generation and Impact on Farms and Rural Communities

January 01, 2004

In this report, the GAO examines the amount of wind power generation in relation to all U.S. electricity generation and the prospects for wind powers growth; the contribution of wind power generation to farmers income and to the economic well-being of rural communities in the 10 states with the highest wind power generation capacity; and the advantages and disadvantages for farmers of owning a wind power project versus leasing their land to a commercial wind power developer.

Rural Utilities Service: Opportunities to Better Target Assistance To Rural Area

January 01, 2004

The report from the Government Accountability Office found that while the Rural Electrification Act authorizes Rural Utlities Services (RUS) lending only in rural areas, borrowers that receive RUS loans and loan guarantees serve not only rural areas but also highly populated metropolitan areas.

Crafting a New Rural Development Strategy

January 01, 2004

The paper discusses the promise creativity holds on rural areas. According to the author, many small cities and towns can and do cultivate creative and cultural environments. But location matters, and the most successful of these are near enough to recreational or historic areas to attract tourists, seasonal residents, and urban expatriates.

From Domestic Manufacture to Industrial Revolution: Long-Run Growth and Agricultural Development

January 01, 2004

The paper investigates the historical process of industrialisation. The allocation of labour between food and non-food activities and the pattern of consumption of domestic versus industrial manufacture are determined endogenously, depending on terms of trade between agricultural and industrial goods.

Rural Urbanity and Rural Metropolises as Emerging Patterns of Urban Growth

January 01, 2004

According to the authors, the processes of metropolitanization must explain if and how they concern some specific areas, how and if they primarily concern networks, hubs and nodes, pushing into the background the immediate territories of the metropolis. The analyses of the structuring and the functioning of this rural area highlight the emergence of new patterns of urbanity and new territorial-type configuration, as the "rural metropolis".

Federal Investment in Rural America Falls Behind

January 01, 2004

Using Census data, the Department of Agricultures Economic Research Service tracks spending across government departments and agencies, breaking it out by area (rural and metro) and by functional category.

Public-private Partnerships in Agricultural Research

January 01, 2004

The study hypothesizes that the willingness and ability of public agencies and private firms to enter into partnerships are constrained by fundamentally different incentive structures. Tentative findings suggest that while incentives and perceptions do differ between sectors, sufficient common space exists or can be created through incentive structuring to facilitate greater partnership.


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