ssti conference

Honing your value proposition: SSTI Conference preview

This week we continue our four-part series focused on navigating innovation priorities in a variety of settings. Part 2 focuses on how to create and hone an effective value proposition for your organizations given different audiences, funding sources, public support and the needs of clients. SSTI spoke with Faith Knutsen, director of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs; and Steve Glynn, director of Innovation, The Water Council.

The series features interviews with experts in the field, each of whom will also be presenting at our annual conference, where these topics will be explored in greater depth. Both presenters featured in this week’s Q&A said their session will be fun, personally and professionally engaging, and highly relevant to each participant’s own sector.  Click here for more information on the conference.

SSTI talks with the experts in special series

Starting next month the SSTI Weekly Digest will bring you a special series of interviews conducted with leaders in the innovation economy. We will feature topics like driving regional innovation on modest R&D budgets, honing your value proposition, and tips on working with your state legislature and making innovation a priority with your governor. The Q&A series will provide a quick preview into some of the insights we will explore in greater depth during SSTI’s 2018 Annual Conference: Navigating the New Innovation Landscape, Dec. 3-5 in Salt Lake City. For more information on the conference, click here.

SSTI’s 2018 Annual Conference brochure now available online

Are you looking for ways to meet the challenges of today’s technology-based innovation economy? Explore the many sessions and speakers that will be featured during SSTI’s 2018 Annual Conference: Navigating the New Innovation Landscape, happening Dec. 3-5 in Salt Lake City. Our conference brochure is now available online and registration is open.

Growing tech hub of Salt Lake City hosting SSTI annual conference

SSTI is excited to announce Salt Lake City as the site for the 2018 Annual Conference, which will be held Dec. 3 through 5, with the Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR) as the host partner.

“We are excited to bring the conference to Salt Lake City, and we think attendees will have a lot to learn from the growing technology hub,” said Dan Berglund, president and CEO of SSTI. “Many places are struggling with ways to grow their innovation economies and Salt Lake City has been able to turn those struggles into positive growth that people will be able to learn from during the conference.”

SSTI conference builds innovation bridges

SSTI’s 2017 Annual Conference held last week in Washington, D.C., helped build bridges to the future through its gathering of more than 250 participants working to create a better future through science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. Congressman David Cicilline addressed the gathering and stressed the importance of the Regional Innovation Strategies program in his keynote address. Thought leaders revealed insights on the current political climate, social and demographic trends across the nation, and the importance of building an inclusive effort to create sustainable and meaningful change.


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