state budgets

States take cautious budget measures for FY 2018

States enacted cautionary budgets for 2018 with general fund spending projected to grow 2.3 percent in fiscal 2018, the lowest increase since 2010, according to the most recent NASBO survey. The National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) released its Fiscal Survey of the States showing caution on the part of policymakers following two years of sluggish revenue growth and spending pressures. Meanwhile, the survey finds most states are forecasting moderate improvements in their general fund revenue collections in fiscal 2018 (median growth rate of 3.2 percent) and that most states are continuing to strengthen their reserves.

Manufacturing technology central to expanded Oregon innovation budget

State spending for the Oregon innovation economy during the 2017-2019 biennium in the Oregon Business Development Department received a sharp increase, thanks in part to nearly $14 million of funding for the new Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC).  According to the Business Oregon website, “OMIC brings together as founding partners The Boeing Company, the broader regional metals manufacturing industry and employers, Portland Community College (PCC), Portland State University (PSU), Oregon State University (OSU), Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT)” for collaborative applied research and to address advanced technical training needs in the industry. Funding is distributed among a number of sources in the state budget:

States warned, graded on budgetary lessons

Two recent reports examining the state of the states’ budgets and resources have some warnings for those involved in the budgeting process. A study by Moody’s Analytics reveals that many states are not prepared for the next recession while a study from the Volcker Alliance examines how states are making their spending decisions, with the hope that clear budgets will help inform the public.

CT, WI sign budgets following difficult negotiations

Connecticut and Wisconsin both ended their protracted budget negotiations with the governors signing budgets in late September and late October. Faced with budget constraints and uncertainty about the spending plan, Connecticut’s funding for economic and community development is decreasing along with funding for the state’s MEP center and Manufacturing Supply Chain program, with no general funds provided for them in the second year of the biennium. Wisconsin appears to be maintaining its status quo on TBED-related initiatives and has increased funding to universities that increase enrollments for “high-demand” degree programs, making $5 million available on a competitive basis.

States of Innovation 2017: Clean & renewable energy policy

States have passed more than 230 bills related to clean and renewable energy to date in 2017, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). Broadly, the legislation can be divided between policies directly supporting energy innovation — through R&D expenditures or targeted economic development initiatives — and policies implementing structural changes —through the regulatory environment, incentives for production facilities, renewable portfolio standards and other requirements. This breadth of activity clearly demonstrates that clean and renewable energy is of high interest throughout the country, but will be challenging to innovators and entrepreneurs planning development over time or across states.

GA, UT see level funding for TBED initiatives

SSTI’s analysis of approved FY2018 state budgets continues with a review of action by the Georgia and Utah legislatures. Stability is the word for both states with level funding for the Georgia Research Alliance, Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute, and Utah’s USTAR program. The Georgia legislature did approve the governor’s proposal to increase funding for scholarship programs by $50 million.

Kansas and Rhode Island emerge from contentious budget process

After arduous processes in both Kansas and Rhode Island, the states have newly-enacted budgets in place that have retained some funding for TBED initiatives. Kansas was able to fund programs that will focus on a skilled workforce and research and development, while Rhode Island will see the creation of a pilot program for free tuition at community colleges through a scaled-back version of the governor’s proposed RI Promise.

Pennsylvania budget becomes law despite stalemate

On July 11, without Gov. Tom Wolf’s signature, Pennsylvania’s budget (HB 218) for FY 2018 became law. State lawmakers, however, are still in the midst of a stalemate over how to pay for a nearly $32 billion budget. While Wolf and other Democratic leaders prefer increasing revenue through tax reform, Republican leaders are focusing on other alternatives including a bond effort and expansions of gambling to address the over $2 billion shortfall.

MI and VA see increases in TBED budget, while MA Gov vetoes some line items

Funding for TBED programs took a hit under Massachusetts Gov. Charles Baker, who vetoed millions of dollars in programs that the legislature had approved in the FY 2018 state budget. Michigan programs fared better with funding maintained to diversify the state’s economy and funding for entrepreneurship ecosystems getting a boost. And in Virginia, after a messy budget process addressing an addendum to its biennial budget, many innovation programs saw increases.

Finding causes for states’ tax return shortfalls

Many states took another hit to their budgets in April, with income tax revenue falling 4 percent compared to last year according to a new report from the Rockefeller Institute of Government. By the Numbers takes a look at the declining revenue, which it says was worse for April and May this year than had been forecast, but not as large as some states have experienced in recent years. Several explanations are explored.


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