state revenue

Do Tax Sparing Agreements Contribute To The Attraction of FDI In Developing Countries ?

January 01, 2004

The paper analyses the impact of tax sparing agreements on Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) distribution in developing countries. The empirical results suggest that each additional year, subsequent to the signature of a tax sparing agreement, increases Japanese FDI activity by 1.7 to 11 percent.

State Tax Credit Incentive for Equity Investments: A Survey of Current Practices

January 01, 2004

Venture capitalists have helped create vibrant entrepreneurial economies in cities and regions such as Silicon Valley, Route 128 in Massachusetts, Austin and San Diego. In recent years, a few states without this established equity investor base and seeking community economic development have adopted tax incentives for direct investment into local businesses and/or into seed capital funds. This paper examines the eighteen states that have adopted such tax credit programs.

Tax Compliance of Small Business in Transition Economies: Lessons from Bulgaria

January 01, 2004

This paper studies the challenges of raising tax compliance in the small business sector in transition economies, drawing from the experience of Bulgaria. It identifies the elements of tax design and enforcement that discriminate against the small business and drive non-compliance.

Corporate Income Tax and Tax Incentives

January 01, 2004

The Corporate Income Tax in Jamaica is an important source of revenue, according to the author. In 2002, the share of CIT in total tax revenue was approximately 6.9 percent, having fallen from 12.7 percent in 1993. Although OECD countries generally collect about 10 percent of tax revenue from corporate taxes, the downward trending share exhibited by the CIT in Jamaica is generally consistent with international experience.

Types of Tax Concessions for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in Free Economic Zones

January 01, 2004

Not only transition countries but also a large number of developing (and developed) countries have established free economic zones with the aim of attracting foreign capital by providing tax incentives, creating employment opportunities and promoting exports as well as regional development. In this study the theoretical approach is accompanied by a model simulation based on selected parameters.

Taxation Reforms and Changes in Revenue Assignments in China

January 01, 2004

This paper focuses in particular on the extent of revenue losses, their distribution across provinces, and possible options for compensation. The authors present numerical simulations of the redistribution of tax revenue between individual provinces, and between provinces as a whole and the center.

Linkage Between Regional Economic Indexes and Tax Bases: Evidence from New York

January 01, 2004

The paper examines the linkage between economic activity and tax revenues for New York State and New York City. Drawing upon the methodology of Stock and Watson, the authors use a dynamic single-factor model to estimate indexes of coincident economic indicators.

Do Local Governments Engage in Strategic Property-Tax Competition?

January 01, 2003

Property-tax competition among local governments is investigated within the paper. Results indicate the presence of a strategic interaction using cross-section data on property taxes and other socio-economic variables in the Boston metropolitan area.

Leveling the E-Commerce Playing Field

January 01, 2003

In response to the tax debate over online merchandising, the Progressive Policy Institute report contends that Congress should grant states the right to require remote sellers to collect and remit sales taxes, if states eliminate all discriminatory rules and laws designed to protect in-state bricks-and-mortar companies from e-commerce competitors.

Equalization and the Incentives for Growth: An Empirical Investigation of the "Tax-Back" Effect

January 01, 2003

Using vector error correction models of the economies of the six equalization-receiving provinces that received equalization payments without interruption during the 1961-1998 period, as well as a generalized impulse response analysis, the paper explores the dynamics of the interactions between flows of equalization payments and other key variable in the economies of recipient provinces.


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