
Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part II

The second installment of SSTI’s Tech Talkin’ Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and Virginia. The first installment is available here.

NM Gov Proposes Tax Credits, Research Initiatives for Startup Growth

Funding to universities to compete for endowed chairs and startup funds for a commercialization initiative are among New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez’s proposals for tech-based economic growth in the coming year. The governor also wants lawmakers to expand the state’s angel investment tax credit and reform the Technology Jobs Tax Credit and R&D Small Business Tax Credit to better support startup companies. The announcements were rolled out over the past two weeks and detailed in the FY15 budget presented to lawmakers.

Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part I

Now in its 14th year, SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series has returned as governors across the country formally convene the 2014 legislative sessions. The series highlights new and expanded TBED proposals from governors' State of the State, Budget and Inaugural addresses. The first edition includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Idaho, Kentucky, New York, Virginia, and West Virginia. 

More Funding for Higher Ed, STEM in State Budget Plans

As the outlook for general revenue funds improves in many states, governors are looking to boost investment in higher education and STEM as a means for growing the economy and enhancing the workforce. Universities' economic return to states can be quite impactful. A recent study commissioned by the Presidents Council, State Universities of Michigan, found the state's 15 public universities have a $23.9 billion economic footprint — collectively supporting more than $12 billion in earnings in 2012. Governors in Alaska, Missouri, Utah, Virginia, and Washington recently unveiled budget recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year or biennium calling for additional funds to support university-based initiatives including research, infrastructure, tuition freezes, and funding to graduate more students in STEM fields.

PCAST Recommends Expansion of MOOCs to Ensure U.S. STEM Competitiveness

In a report letter to the president this week, the U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) advocated the expansion of massive open online courses (MOOCs) to boost U.S. competitiveness, STEM learning and economic mobility. PCAST recommends that the federal government avoid setting technology standards for these programs at this point, as online education is still in its infancy. Instead, they call for accrediting bodies to become more flexible in response to educational innovation and institutions to improve their sharing of effective practices. Read the report letter...

Useful Stats: Science and Engineering Doctorates by Area of Study and by State

A record number of U.S. students received doctorates in 2012, according to new data from the National Science Foundation. For the first time, the number of doctoral recipients broke 50,000, with a final tally of 51,008. Total doctorates awarded grew by 4.3 percent over the previous year, the largest increase since 2007 and a significant improvement from the previous four years in which the numbers remains fairly steady. The NSF data shows large increases for doctorates in STEM areas, including life sciences, physical sciences and engineering between 2002 and 2012, and little growth in other major fields, including the social sciences, education and humanities.

EPSCoR Vital to Nation's Research Enterprise, According to National Academies

The federal, cross-agency Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) has proven so invaluable to developing STEM expertise across the country that the word "experimental" should be removed from its name, according to a comprehensive new report from the National Academies. The academies, however, recommend that the program be restructured to create a more rigorous competitive process for research projects and improve project evaluation. Download the report...

MA Gov Details Planned Investments in Economic Development, Education

In the latest of a series of announcements outlining MA Gov. Deval Patrick's spending strategy for the coming year, the governor has released his administration's FY14 Capital Investment plan, including details on economic development and education funding. As released, the plan would fund the Governor's Life Sciences capital program at $62.6 million, $13.4 million for the MA Broadband Institute program, $10 million to expand high-speed broadband in unserved areas, and $56.2 million for the state's public infrastructure funding program. STEM education programs also would receive enhanced funding, as outlined in the governor's recently released STEM strategic plan (see the November 12 issue). Another $4 million would support early education and afterschool programs through the new Early Education and Out of School Time Capital Fund. Read the announcement...

MA Rolls Out High-Tech Workforce, STEM Education Strategy

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has made a series of announcements over the past few weeks aimed at improving the high-tech skill set of the state's workers and students. A new STEM strategic plan released yesterday would refine Massachusetts' efforts to expand the pipeline of young, skilled science and technology workers and improve the quality of STEM education. The plan is an update of goals originally set by the governor in 2010, and is focused on increasing the percentage of highly-skilled Pre-K-16 STEM teachers and growing the share of students who enter post-secondary STEM programs. Read the announcement...

Voters Reject Research Tax in MO, Approve Higher Ed Bonds in ME

A measure to increase the sales tax in Jackson County, MO, to fund medical research across Kansas City and St. Louis was rejected by greater than a 5-to-1 ratio, reports the Kansas City Star. Unofficial returns found that 84 percent of voters rejected the proposal that would raise up to $40 million annually through a sales tax increase of one-half of 1 percent to support an institute of hospitals, universities and research institutes working to recruit scientists and turn research into commercial products and treatments. Voters in Maine approved $15.5 million in bonds to renovate and upgrade labs and other STEM facilities at all seven campuses within the University of Maine System and $4.5 million toward a public-private effort to build a science facility at Maine Maritime Academy.


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