strategic plan

Missouri Gov Launches Five-Year Cluster Plan

Governor Jay Nixon has released the final report from a year-long effort to design a five-year economic strategy for Missouri. The report identifies seven target clusters for development, including advanced manufacturing, energy solutions, biosciences, health sciences and services, information technology, financial and professional services, and transportation and logistics. Recommendations include a new science and technology/innovation fund, an R&D tax credit, an angel investment tax credit and cluster-based career training. Read the plan...

Iowa Bioscience Report Urges More State Support for University Researchers, Facilities

Recruiting bioscience faculty to universities and investing in R&D infrastructure tops the list of strategies recommended for Iowa to capitalize on a growing bioscience economy. A report commissioned by Innovate Iowa also finds that while significant progress has been made in growing the state's bioscience industry over the last 10 years, declining state funds to build research capacity and provide seed and venture capital remains a challenge for bioscience companies and entrepreneurs to compete regionally and globally.

Minnesota Plan Recommends $750 Million Over 10 Years for S&T Programs

Minnesota needs additional support for science and technology commercialization, manufacturing and entrepreneurship in order to remain competitive, according to a new strategic plan released by the Minnesota Science and Technology Authority. The plan recommends an initial appropriation of $10 million annually, ramping up over ten years, to invest in the state's R&D capacity, talent development and capital and business development. The group estimates that the plan could create up to 30,000 to 45,000 direct jobs and leverage up to 30 times the state's investment in the form of federal and private sector funding. Read the report ...


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