tax credits

Expanding Tax Credits for R&D, Tech Commercialization Among Govs' Priorities in NJ, LA

Recognizing the value in supporting companies that innovate to create high-quality jobs, governors in New Jersey and Louisiana recently outlined proposals to enhance tax incentives for R&D, technology commercialization, and transferable tax certificates during the upcoming legislative sessions. In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie proposed increasing the R&D tax credit to 100 percent and restoring full funding for the Technology Business Tax Certificate Transfer program as part of his FY12 budget recommendations. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced his intentions to work with the legislature to extend and enhance two innovation-related tax incentives — the R&D tax credit and the Technology Commercialization Credit/Jobs Program — when the session convenes in April.
New Jersey

MI Budget Seeks to Reform Economic Development Incentives

With no significant boost in funding for Michigan's economic development efforts proposed in the executive budget, Gov. Rick Snyder outlined steps to reform the way businesses are incentivized and modify the state's approach to job creation by better supporting local and regional initiatives as a means to transform the state's economy.

Tech Talkin' Govs, Part VI

The sixth installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Connecticut, Illinois, New Hampshire, New Jersey and North Carolina. The first five installments are available in the Jan. 5, Jan. 12, Jan. 19, Jan. 26 and Feb. 9 issues of the Digest.

Digest Update on Angel Tax Credit Measures: MI Enacts; NJ Gov Vetoes

SSTI recently reported on two important bills passed by lawmakers in Michigan late last year and in New Jersey earlier this year that would provide incentives for taxpayers who invest in emerging technology companies. As an update to the Dec. 8, 2010 and Jan. 12, 2011 stories, both former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have taken action on the bills with opposing outcomes. Gov. Granholm signed HB 5921 into law on December 14, enacting a measure to provide a 25 percent personal tax credit for individuals who invest at least $20,000 in qualified seed and early stage companies. Gov. Chris Christie on Friday vetoed S.2454, the New Jersey Angel Investor Tax Credit Act, along with 13 other bills approved by lawmakers in January as part of a jobs package. The bill would have provided a tax credit of 10 percent of a taxpayer's qualified investment in emerging technology companies with less than 225 employees, capped at $25 million annually. Gov. Christie criticized lawmakers for not providing a funding source and unveiled this week a somewhat similar package of tax cuts for business alongside the FY12 executive budget proposal. Read the governor's veto message:

Tech Talkin' Govs, Part V

The fifth installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Maryland, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. The first four installments are available in the Jan. 5, Jan. 12, Jan. 19 and Jan. 26 issues of the Digest.

Spending Plans in IA and MA Seek to Balance Cuts with Job Creation Efforts

Deep cuts to higher education and reorganizing economic development efforts are common themes in executive budget proposals across most of the country as governors seek to both reduce spending and create jobs. Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad recently introduced legislation to replace the state's existing economic development agency with a public-private partnership. Meanwhile, his budget eliminates the Iowa Power Fund, established by the legislature in 2007 to invest in private sector renewable and alternative energy industries. In Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick recommends $10 million to continue state support for the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, but also plans to collect $25 million from the state's quasi-public agencies and defer $5 million in tax credits slated for life science companies to help fill a projected deficit totaling up to $2.5 billion.

Tech Talkin' Govs, Part IV

The fourth installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, and Vermont. The first three installments are available in the Jan. 5, Jan. 12 and Jan. 19 issues of the Digest.

MD Gov Proposes $100M Venture Fund; Recommends 19% Increase for Stem Cell Research

Gov. Martin O'Malley last week unveiled details of his proposed $100 million venture fund announced last year during his re-election campaign as an initiative to grow the state's knowledge-based industries, particularly within the life sciences sector (see the June 9, 2010 issue of the Digest). The governor's budget also provides funding for the state's 10-year Bio 2020 initiative, including $12.4 million for stem cell research, $8 million for biotechnology tax credits and $3.8 million for the Maryland Biotech Center.

Tech Talkin' Govs, Part II

The second installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs' series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, Kansas, New Hampshire, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. Our first installment was in the Jan. 5 Digest.

NJ Angel Tax Credit Passes Legislature, Awaits Gov's Action

New Jersey lawmakers last week approved several bills as part of the "Back to Work NJ" economic development and jobs plan proposed by Democratic legislative leaders. Among the measures approved is The New Jersey Angel Investor Tax Credit Act (S.2454) providing incentives to taxpayers who invest in emerging technology companies. Gov. Chris Christie has yet to take action on the package of the bills, which could cost the state up to $805 million in business subsidies and lost corporate tax revenue in the coming fiscal year, reports New Jersey Newsroom.


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