useful stats

U.S. Patents and Patents per 100K Residents by State, 2005-2010

The number of annual U.S. patents of all types increased from 82,586 in 2005 to 121,179 in 2010, according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). After falling in 2007 and 2008, and making only minor gains in 2009, patents jumped by 27.5 percent last year. Overall, the number of patents grew 46.7 percent between 2005 and 2010, while patents per capita increased by 40.6 percent. California continues to have the highest number of annual patents in the country, generating about one quarter of all U.S. patents in 2010. Vermont, however, led in patents per capita last year, followed by Washington state. Over the past five years, Hawaii has exhibited the highest rate of growth, increasing its number of patents by 148.3 percent and its patents per capita by 131.1 percent.

Useful Stats: SBIR Phase I Awards, Proposals by State — FY10

Compiling SBIR Phase I awards and proposal statistics by state for FY10, SSTI finds the 10 states with the most awards in FY10 were California (851), Massachusetts (517), Virginia (250), Colorado (218), New York (212), Maryland (196), Texas (185), Pennsylvania (184), Ohio (179), and Michigan (125). Colorado moved up two positions to fourth place, dropping New York to fifth place while Maryland fell to sixth place from fifth last year. Pennsylvania edged out Ohio to move up one spot into eighth position, pushing Ohio down one spot from last year to ninth place. Michigan moved into the top 10, climbing from 15th place last year, dropping Florida out of the top 10.

Useful Stats: Average Venture Capital Deal Size by State, 2005-2010

U.S. average venture capital deal size rose by 6.7 percent in 2010, after having fallen to its lowest point in a decade in 2009. While California leads in average deal size, Iowa has run a close second over the past five years. Iowa, Minnesota and Nevada are all among the middle ranks of states in terms of overall venture activity, but rank near the top in average deal size. These states depend on larger deals to sustain their competitiveness in capital access. Illinois, Colorado and Pennsylvania all ranked in the top 10 for venture activity in 2010, but have lower than average deal sizes. This indicates that activity in these states is driven by a high volume of smaller deals. SSTI has prepared a table of average venture capital deal size by state, 2005-2010. View the table...

Useful Stats: Share of Annual U.S. Venture Capital Investment by State, 2005-2010

Since 2005, the distribution of U.S. venture capital (VC) investment has remained fairly steady, with California companies receiving about half of all venture dollars. California's share of total dollars reached its highest point in 2009, when the state's firms received 50.6 percent of all U.S. investment. While California's share decreased a bit in 2010, VC activity remains highly concentrated in a handful of states. Over the past five years, the top ten states for venture investment have represented about 85 percent of all U.S. venture activity. Since PricewaterhouseCoopers began tracking VC activity by state in 2005, the overall trend has been toward greater concentration in a few hotspots, particularly the Silicon Valley region.

Useful Stats: Venture Capital Dollars Per Capita and Deals Per Million Residents by State, 2005-2010

U.S. venture capital investment per capita grew almost 19 percent in 2010 over the previous year, reaching $11.16. That increase, however, only represented a partial rebound from the plunging investment levels of 2008 and 2009. Last year's U.S. per capita figure was 28.7 percent lower than 2007 and 7.2 percent lower than 2005. The largest increases in per capita investment over the past five years occurred in the District of Columbia, Illinois, Delaware, Kansas and Iowa. Kansas, New York, Connecticut, Delaware and Pennsylvania had the largest increase in venture deals per million residents over the same period. For 2010, Massachusetts led the nation in both per capita dollars and deals per million residents.

Useful Stats: U.S. Venture Capital Dollars and Deals by State, 1995-2010

Though U.S. venture capital (VC) investment grew in 2010 after a disastrous 2009, overall venture activity remains well below 2006-2008 levels. Last year, U.S. venture firms invested $21.8 billion in American companies, 27 percent less than in 2007 (the last peak year before the current economic downturn). Most U.S. states experienced a similar pattern over the past five years, peaking in 2007, hitting a decade low in 2009, and recovering a bit last year.

Useful Stats: State Personal Income and Per Capita Income 2005-2010

After declining last year for the first time since 1949, U.S. personal income rose three percent in 2010 to more than $12.5 trillion, according to a release from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). U.S. per capital personal income, which had also dipped in 2009, rose 14.6 percent to $40,584 last year. Both U.S. total and per capita personal income, however, remained below their peak levels in 2008. The largest percentage increases in personal income came in the Southwest region (Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas) and the Mideast region (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

Useful Stats: State Total and Per Capita Real GDP and Personal Income 2004-2009

U.S. real gross domestic domestic product (GDP) and per capita personal income fell in 2009 as the economic crisis spread across the country, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Most states experienced the same declines, particularly in the Great Lakes region. In 2009, real GDP fell in every state, except Alaska, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota, West Virginia. West Virginia was the only state to increase its per capita income (current dollars, unadjusted) in 2009. The 2008 and 2009 crisis ended the period of steady growth in most states since 2001.


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