• Join your peers at SSTI's 2024 Annual Conference!

    Join us December 10-12 in Arizona to connect with and learn from your peers working around the country to strengthen their regional innovation economies. Visit ssticonference.org for more information and to register today.

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    As the most comprehensive resource available for those involved in technology-based economic development, SSTI offers the services that are needed to help build tech-based economies.  Learn more about membership...

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SSTI Personnel News

Last week, as the SSTI Board considered the year that is ahead, the Board asked Dan Berglund to reconsider his decision from earlier in the year to step down. While the election results are uncertain, one certainty now is there will be a change in presidential administration. The Board felt it was important for the field for Berglund to guide the organization through one more presidential transition-- this will now be his fifth.

Presidential transitions and possible changes in party control of the House and Senate represent windows of opportunity for our field-- to explain what we do, the impact we're having and the resources needed to have greater impact.

“I see the potential impact we can have and am excited about the opportunity this next year presents. To best achieve that impact, we're splitting the President & CEO role into two positions,” said Berglund.

As President, Berglund will continue to lead SSTI as he has since its founding in 1996. He will also be the staff lead for SSTI’s Innovation Advocacy Council.

The new position of CEO is being filled by SSTI's long-time second-in-command, Mark Skinner. Skinner will report to Berglund, oversee all staff, and lead the development of a new strategic plan as SSTI prepares to enter its 30th year of operation.

Avoiding burnout productively

Growing your local or state economy through innovation and technology-based economic development most often feels like a full-sprint ultramarathon. It doesn't help that so many external influences on how you do your job seem to change the rules and landscape thrown at you all the time. Take Nov 5, for example. You need a break! But you also need time to pause, think, and strategize with your teammates for the coming year. There is a way to achieve both simultaneously, and I love it! More...

Think Tech Hubs should be funded? Join SSTI and others in acting now

Congress authorized $10 billion over five years for regional tech hubs to improve America’s competitiveness and regional economies. To date, Congress has appropriated only $541 million for the program—just 5% of the authorized level—of which a $459 million downpayment was provided though the FY 2023 disaster supplemental. SSTI is working with other technology and innovation organizations to encourage Congress to act and fund the program through annual appropriations, supplemental funding, and the proceeds of spectrum auctions—a new means that would be made possible by the Senate’s Spectrum and National Security Act. If you represent or participated in one of the 370 regions that applied originally or want to compete for funding in future solicitations, sign on to a joint letter by November 1.

Useful Stats: BERD intensity on the rise, a decade-long look at the nation and states, 2013-2022

While both gross domestic product (GDP) and population have steadily increased across the United States over the last decade, the growth of business enterprise R&D (BERD) expenditures has surged ahead at an even faster pace. Nationwide, BERD as a percentage of GDP has jumped over 0.75 percentage points over the past decade, rising from 1.91% in 2013 to 2.66% in 2022, while BERD per capita has more than doubled from approximately $1,020 to $2,075 over the same time. This edition of Useful Stats will explore in depth the varied changes in BERD intensity metrics at the national and state levels over the most recent decade of available data.

Treasury approves an additional $106M in SSBCI 2.0 dollars for tribal governments

The Treasury Department has recently approved an additional $106 million in SSBCI dollars for tribal governments: $102 million as part of the Capital Program and $4 million as part of the Technical Assistance (TA) Grant Program. With this most recent wave of announcements, and including two $2 million Small Business Opportunity Program (SBOP) awards made to tribal governments, Treasury has now approved applications for over $520 million in overall SSBCI dollars to tribal governments.

Defense launches $1B loan program for critical tech companies

The Office of Strategic Capital within the U.S. Department of Defense announced the availability of $984 million for equipment financing for projects to develop critical technologies. Companies can have their loans sponsored by another public or nonprofit entity, which appears to be a means of supplementing applications from companies that are otherwise too new or financially risky. Loan applications will be available from January 2 to February 3, 2025, and the office anticipates making 10 loans from $10-$150 million. Whether the terms will offer any benefits beyond capital access (e.g., low interest rates) is unclear, but the announcement provides many other details about the program.

Maximizing visibility: leveraging impact reports for TBED success

Are you tired of your organization's impact going unnoticed? Join our webinar to discover how to use compelling, attention-grabbing impact reports to tell your success stories in a way that resonates with funders, media, and the public. You’ll hear from three types of organizations with three very different funding models.