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NSF announces new $60 million program for academic institutions to scale the translation of research

February 09, 2023

The U.S. National Science Foundation announced a new $60 million investment led by NSF's Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships — the Accelerating Research Translation, or ART, program. The program will build capacity and infrastructure at higher education institutions that are needed to strengthen and scale the translation of basic research outcomes into impactful solutions and practice.

Through ART, NSF will provide up to $6 million per award over four years to academic institutions that have demonstrated strong basic science and engineering research but are eager to grow their translational research activities and develop the associated requisite infrastructure. Proposals should have a blend of educational and training opportunities; activities to grow capacity for research in the short and long terms; and, specific activities that show significant promise for translating research results to practice in the short term.

An introductory webinar is planned for Tuesday, Feb. 21.

nsf, tech transfer, higher ed, r&d, funding