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Pilot program matches researchers with economic and community development issues

October 04, 2018

Vibrant Virginia (VV), a new program from Virginia Tech’s Office of Economic Development, is offering seed grants as a way to encourage faculty and graduate students to explore persistent public policy challenges spanning the state’s urban, suburban, and rural communities. Providing between $5,000 and $12,000 to university researchers targeting key issues facing the state, VV has an initial focus on Southwest Virginia, Hampton Roads, Northern Virginia, and Southside Virginia – regions located outside of the university’s traditional footprint. Examples of projects funded so far include programs that match public school students with internships, build online capacity at rural nonprofits, and use population health expertise to identify strategies around the opioid crisis. The VV program also funds regional conversations to help Virginia Tech become a more effective partner in advancing community changes, as well as academic projects, which seek to highlight important challenges and opportunities across the state. 



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