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State-Federal Technology Executive for OSTP Sought

February 07, 1997

A State-Federal Technology Executive (SFTE) to serve in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is being sought. The SFTE, sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), is a one year old initiative designed to encourage broad-scale science and technology cooperation between the states and the federal government. The SFTE will have responsibility for facilitating state-federal collaborative efforts via the newly formed United States Innovation Partnership (consisting of the National Governors' Association, OSTP and the Dept. of Commerce).

With the announcement of a new partnership between the states and the White House on science and technology issues, the position could have significant impact in shaping the partnership.

Anticipated activities for the SFTE include: coordination of federal and state science and technology initiatives; promotion of opportunities available at state and federal levels for science and technology efforts; and, serving as an information resource for state governments, industry, and universities.

The SFTE should be a technology professional with first-hand knowledge of and experience with state government operations as well as a broad understanding of federal science and technology programs. The ideal candidate should have:

  • a clear understanding of the roles of federal research and development programs and state science and technology programs;
  • the leadership and organizational skills necessary to direct, manage, and coordinate administrative and programmatic activities associated with the U.S. Innovation Partnership;
  • the ability to discern opportunities for state-federal technology programs, to present such opportunities effectively, both verbally and in writing, to senior government, university and industry stakeholders for consideration.

Applications are due by February 28 with the position expected to start in spring, 1997 and continue for one year. A $50,000 stipend is available.

For more information and an application, contact Reese Meisinger at ASME at 202/785-3756.