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Status of major legislation

February 06, 2009

Status of some of the major legislation in the 2009 session of the 52nd Oklahoma Legislature as of Feb. 6:

SB 1 by Gumm NICK'S LAW: Would mandate coverage by private health insurers of the diagnosis and treatment of autism. Referred to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

SB 59 by Rice VETERANS INSURANCE: Would make some uninsured veterans eligible for a state premium assistance insurance program. Passed by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, sent to full Senate.

SB 255 by Ivester VETERANS TUITION: Would waive tuition expenses for Oklahoma veterans attending Oklahoma colleges and universities. Passed by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, sent to full Senate.

SB 291 by TEACHER SALARIES: Would give state teachers pay raises of $9,000 over a three-year period. Passed by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, sent to full Senate.

SB 315 by Mazzei INCOME TAX: Would delete the 4 percent trigger in revenue growth needed to reduce the state income tax from 5.5 percent to 5.25 percent. Passed by the Senate Finance Committee, sent to full Senate.

SB 318 by Mazzei GROCERY TAX: Would eliminate the 4.5 percent state sales tax on groceries. Passed by the Senate Finance Committee, sent to full Senate.

SB 450 by Corn BEAR HUNTING: Would create a license for hunting black bear in Oklahoma. Passed by the Senate Committee on Tourism and Wildlife, sent to full Senate.

SB 646 by Coffee OFFICE OF ACCOUNTABILITY: The Accountability, Innovation and Privatization Act would conduct regular performance audits, recommend efficiencies in government and review the effectiveness of tax incentives. Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee.

SB 768 by Eason-McIntyre VOTING RIGHTS: The Oklahoma Restoration of Voting Rights Act would restore voting rights to convicted felons immediately after they are discharged from prison. Not assigned to committee.

SB 906 and 907 by Coffee EDGE FUND: Would use a portion of oil and gas gross production taxes as a permanent funding source for the Economic Development Generating Excellence Trust Fund. Not assigned to committee.

SB 911 by Sykes ABOLISHING ABLE: Would abolish the Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission and transfer its duties to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control. Not assigned to committee.

HB 1037 by Tibbs VOTER ID: Would require that Oklahoma citizens provide proof of identify before voting in an election. Passed by the House Rules Committee, sent to full House.

HB 1050 by Carey GRADUATION COACHES: Gov. Brad Henry's plan to have volunteers work as graduation coaches to mentor at-risk students in the state. Passed by the House Common Education Committee, sent to full House.

HB 1330 by Ritze TEN COMMANDMENTS: The Ten Commandments Monument Display Act would authorize placement on the State Capitol grounds of a suitable monument displaying and honoring the Ten Commandments. Referred to House General Government Committee.

HB 1332 by Denney PUPPY MILLS: The Pet Quality Assurance and Protection Act would require dog breeders to obtain a state license and comply with strict guidelines governing the treatment and care of puppies. Referred to House Economic Development and Financial Services Committee.

HB 1603 by Sullivan LAWSUIT REFORM: Would mandate a variety of changes to Oklahoma's civil justice system, including proposals to cap pain and suffering damages at $300,000, require a certificate from an expert that a lawsuit has merit before it can proceed in state court and change class-action lawsuit guidelines. Referred to House Judiciary Committee.

HB 1623 by Sullivan OKLAHOMA TORT REFORM ACT: Would schedule a statewide referendum on a proposed constitutional amendment to cap the contingency fees of trial attorneys. Referred to House Rules Committee.

HB 1864 by Hickman SCHOOL HOURS: Would convert Oklahoma's current requirement of 180 six-hour school days each year to 1080 hours of instruction to give schools more flexibility to make up snow days missed by students. Referred to House Appropriations Committee.

HB 2026 by Steele INSURE OKLAHOMA: Health Care for Oklahomans Act would modify the Insure Oklahoma premium-assistance program that helps small businesses provide health care coverage for their low- and middle-income employees by offering low-cost options, such as high deductible plans compatible with health savings accounts. Referred to Economic Development and Financial Services Committee.

HB 2027 by Steele AUTISM THERAPISTS: Would increase the number of therapists and providers for autistic children in the state. Passed by the House Economic Development and Financial Services Committee, sent to full House.

HB 2057 by Thompson TRUTH IN MUSIC: would make it unlawful to advertise or conduct a live musical performance through deceptive or misleading affiliation between a performing group and a recording group. Passed by the House Judiciary Committee, sent to full House.

HJR 1001 by Dank PROPERTY TAXES: Would schedule an election on a proposed constitutional amendment to cap property tax increases on homes occupied by people over 65. Referred to House Rules Committee.

HJR 1042 by Terrill OFFICIAL ENGLISH: Would make English the official language of the state. Referred to House Rules Committee.
