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TBED People

SSTI Board member Phillip Singerman has been named as the Associate Director for Innovation and Industry Services for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He will assume this position on January 31.

Alabama Gov.-elect Robert Bentley named former house speaker Seth Hammett as the director of the Alabama Development Office.

Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter announced he will become director of the Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University effective Feb. 1.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder named Michael Finney, current president and CEO of Ann Arbor SPARK, as the new Michigan Economic Development Corp. director, replacing Greg Main. Ann Arbor SPARK announced the appointment of Skip Simms as interim president and CEO.

New Mexico Gov.-elect Susana Martinez named businessman Jon Barela as the new secretary for the Department of Economic Development.

Pennsylvania Gov.-elect Tom Corbett named Alan Walker as secretary of the Department of Community and Economic Development. Walker, who is the president and CEO of Bradford Energy Company, also currently serves as a member and is past chair of the board of directors of both the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry and the Pennsylvania Coal Association.

South Carolina Gov.-elect Nikki Haley named Bobby Hitt, a BMW executive, to lead the state Commerce Department.

South Dakota Gov.-elect Dennis Daugaard named Pat Costello to be commissioner of the Governor's Office of Economic Development. Costello is a certified public accountant and previously served on the Sioux Falls City Council from 2006-2010.

West Virginia Acting Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin named Keith Burdette as secretary of the Department of Commerce, succeeding Kelley Goes who will become state director for former Gov. and current U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin. Burdette was a Senate president and former legislative liaison under former Gov. Bob Wise.

Wisconsin Gov.-elect Scott Walker named former Green Bay Mayor and business leader Paul Jadin as Commerce secretary. Jadin is the president and CEO of the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce.

Automation Alley has promoted Charles DeVries to senior director, business development.

i2E Inc. has named Wayne Embree as vice president of entrepreneur services.

District Of Columbia
New Mexico
South Carolina
South Dakota