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Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part I

January 09, 2014

Now in its 14th year, SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series has returned as governors across the country formally convene the 2014 legislative sessions. The series highlights new and expanded TBED proposals from governors' State of the State, Budget and Inaugural addresses. The first edition includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Idaho, Kentucky, New York, Virginia, and West Virginia. 


Gov. Butch Otter, State of the State Address, Jan. 6, 2014

“We also must continue investing in the strong collaborative relationship between our universities and the Center for Advanced Energy Studies. That's why my budget calls for adding $1 million to our annual investment in that facility, which consistently yields incredible returns and value to Idaho's asset portfolio. …

“… Partnerships also are at the heart of efforts to improve our Workforce Development Training Fund program. You can expect to see more targeted use of grants for training employees not just for individual businesses, but for the market-driven growth of industry sectors that add value to Idaho's economy.

“My focus on workforce development also includes more support for professional-technical education programs throughout Idaho.

“I'm impressed by the work our community colleges are doing – from the new Aerospace Center at North Idaho College to the Applied Technology and Innovation Center being built at the College of Southern Idaho. And they are eager to do more. So I'm asking for both one-time and ongoing investments in an Advanced Manufacturing Initiative at all three of them, plus Idaho State University, Eastern Idaho Technical College and Lewis-Clark State College.”


Gov. Steve Beshear, State of the Commonwealth Address, Jan. 8, 2014

"This year we created the Office of Entrepreneurship within the Cabinet for Economic Development to enhance existing efforts to help startup businesses every step of the way.

"In November we also created the Kentucky Angel Investors Network to link private investors with entrepreneurs and startups. ...

"... By promoting innovation and entrepreneurial activity, we can improve Kentucky's competitive position in the world and enhance job creation at the same time."

New York

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, State of the State Address, Jan. 8, 2014

“This year within the two percent spending cap, we can increase our investments in education, healthcare, economic development and still provide more tax relief. ... Let’s pass a manufacturers tax credit for 20 percent of the firm’s property tax liability. …

“... The second part of our economic development strategy has been a bottom-up approach through regional collaborations. … Let’s do another round of the REDCs, a fourth round because let’s build on what is working in this state. And working with local communities on a regional basis is working and we have to do more of it. ...

“…  Last year we launched Start-Up New York … we want to take it to the next step and let’s start to globally market Start-Up New York. ...

“... Let’s go to the upstate manufacturers because we need manufacturing jobs in upstate New York and let’s cut the corporate tax in upstate New York to zero all across upstate New York, period. ...

“... The Buffalo Billion is working it really is working better than I think anyone could have anticipated. We want to take the next step and locate the genomic medicine center in western New York. Genomic medicine is the next frontier in modern medicine and we believe we can lead the way. We want to create a genomic medicine network partnership among UB and the medical corridor, CNSCIT, the New York City Genome Center. ...

“... When it comes to higher education our SUNY 2020 and CUNY 2020 reinvestment and capital programs are working, we want to continue them for a second round the future of the economy is in STEM jobs, we should be incentivizing our education system to fill those openings we want to provide to the top ten percent of high school graduates full scholarships to any SUNY or CUNY school if they pursue a math or science career and agree to work in the state of New York for five years.”


Gov. Bob McDonnell, State of the Commonwealth Address, Jan. 8, 2014

“The Top Jobs Higher Education Act of 2011 created the blueprint for the future and put us on track to award an additional 100,000 degrees over 15 years, with a focus on STEM disciplines. Already 14,000 new slots for Virginia students have been added. We also have required universities to be more accountable in spending by reallocating resources to top priorities. My budget contains a new funding formula that rewards performance and compliance with our legislative goals. Please enact it and make it work.”

West Virginia

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, State of the State Address, Jan. 8, 2014

“… Emphasis on STEM in education will prepare our children for tomorrow’s jobs. It will develop skilled workers and professionals for qualified employment.

“Nationwide there is a shortage of workers with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering and math. West Virginia is no different. We have listened to those employers who tell us that we must increase the number of STEM workers.

“Many of these workers can be educated in our career and technical schools. To make it easier for students to pursue a technical education without having to shuttle between career centers and high schools, I included funding in the budget to locate math and English teachers in our career centers. I want to minimize obstacles for our students who pursue a career-technical education.

“In addition, I am reconstituting the STEM Commission. The Commission will be charged with promoting student interest in these subjects, to make the most of federal STEM initiatives and to expand math and science education beyond the classroom. …

“… Last year we provided funds to initiate the ‘Advanced Careers Program.’ … My proposed budget provides another $500,000 for the Advanced Careers Program. This program will help students pursuing a technical career receive the knowledge and skills they need to be successful.  It also ensures employers will have the employees they need to do the high-level technical work necessary for so many of today’s jobs.”  

Idaho, Kentucky, New York, Virginia, West Virginiatech talkin govs, energy, higher ed, workforce, manufacturing, entrepreneurship, angel capital, tax credits, r&d, stem, bio