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Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part III

January 23, 2014

Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part III

The third installment of SSTI’s Tech Talkin’ Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Delaware, Michigan, Missouri and New Mexico. Read part I and part II.


Gov. Jack Markell, State of the State Address, Jan. 23, 2014

“As we send more of our students into higher education, we need to make sure that they have a roadmap from the classroom to employment, and that our major employers are working with our universities so that our youth are prepared for the workforce. I’m pleased to announce today that DuPont has agreed to partner with our colleges on this effort.

“They will work to identify skills needed for entry-level positions, match those skills with courses offered by our colleges, and provide internships. ...

“...  Let’s also ensure that those students who choose an accelerated career path – one that doesn’t involve a degree – get a head start on their futures.

“This fall, we will roll out a new two-year comprehensive program in manufacturing technologies for high school juniors and seniors. The program will focus on mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering – and will lead to nationally recognized manufacturing certificates. ...

“... To make our new program even more meaningful, it also must include real world experience. And that’s where a new public-private partnership comes into play.

“The Delaware Manufacturing Association and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership are working with us to identify members willing to offer real world opportunities during the summer between junior and senior year. …

“... All of our efforts will be most successful when Delaware businesses collaborate with Delaware educational institutions. So I propose creating a competitive grant program to fund public-private partnerships between employers and our schools and colleges that will develop the skills needed by tomorrow’s workforce. …

“... Our ability to put Delawareans to work depends in part on whether we build on our legacy of innovation. We have a rich history of invention in Delaware, and it’s time to write a new chapter. From the ashes of the old Chrysler plant is rising a new center of innovation that promises to do just that, the Science, Technology and Advanced Research campus.

“The STAR campus represents the potential of university-based innovation to transform industries and spawn new companies. ... To encourage that kind of research, I ask that you invest in innovation by creating a $2 million matching grant program that will leverage federal dollars in support of research that will create the jobs of tomorrow.

“One of the most promising areas for research that will have an impact on our economy is cybersecurity. ... Our institutions of higher education are positioning themselves to take a leadership role in this area and I am pleased to join with them to launch the Delaware Cyber Initiative.

“Located on the STAR campus, this initiative will be a public-private partnership between the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Delaware Tech and the private sector.”


Gov. Rick Snyder, State of the State Address, Jan. 16, 2014

"We need to take situations in terms of particularly skilled trades, career tech education, and connect young people to careers, and we're going to redo that again this year and only make it bigger and better. ...

"... Another program of great things I had mentioned is something called ... Michigan Advanced Technician Training. ... The pilot's going on this year, but I'm very bullish , we're going to grow that program and we're going to see that in all parts of Michigan, I believe, over the next few years. ...

"... I'm going to sign an executive order, creating the Michigan Office for New Americans to be a coordinating resource to say let's welcome these individuals to encourage entrepreneurship, to encourage those students that are getting those advanced degrees in engineering not to leave the country, but to stay and grow companies and employ Michiganders, to work on tourism workers, to work on a statewide EB-5 program, which is an entrepreneurship program, and to continue to say how can we be more innovative and creative...”


Gov. Jay Nixon, State of the State Address, Jan. 21, 2014

“And in the high-tech global economy, we need to make sure the degrees students pursue match the skills that businesses need.

“Over the next decade, the jobs that are in highest demand will require at least some background in science, technology, engineering or math – the so-called STEM fields. …

“… The best way to attract more of these high-paying jobs is to make sure our workers have the skills to fill them – and that is exactly what our STEM initiative will do.

“With an initial investment of $22 million, this initiative will help our universities purchase state-of-the-art equipment, expand lab space and – most importantly – produce more graduates in these fast-growing fields.”

New Mexico – (see related Digest story)

Gov. Susana Martinez, State of the State Address, Jan. 21, 2014

"Companies large and small must have access to a skilled workforce. That is why I am proposing that we make the Job Training Incentive Program permanent, so we can better partner with businesses hiring new workers, paying a large portion of their salaries while being trained. ...

"... New Mexico should be a technology jobs leader, a haven for innovation, a place where the best and brightest come to bring their products to the market. Here's how I propose we do it.

"To increase the pipeline of innovation, $7.5 million to help our universities attract the best professors and researchers in the world.

"Two million dollars so universities and labs can take their ground-breaking projects to the marketplace.

"Expand the Angel Investment Credit to help startups get the capital they need to get off the ground. Provide greater incentives for every new technology job created in New Mexico."

Delaware, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexicohigher ed, workforce, manufacturing, cybersecurity, stem, tax credits, angel capital