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Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part V

February 06, 2014

The fifth installment of SSTI’s Tech Talkin’ Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Connecticut, Maine, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Read part I, part II, part III and part IV.  


Gov. Dan Malloy, State of the State Address, Feb. 6, 2014

“Here are three ways we can continue helping employers to grow jobs this session.

“First, we can continue to fund the Small Business Express program, which has a proven record of success.

“Second, the budget adjustments I submit to you today include $125 million to support Connecticut businesses. That includes increased funding for the Manufacturing Assistance Act, to help grow some of those target industries I mentioned, as well as a new Advanced Manufacturing Fund.

“Together these initiatives will provide incentive-driven financial assistance to Connecticut businesses to help them modernize their technologies, focus on research and development, and create the jobs of tomorrow. …

“... To ensure that our students are better prepared for college and a career when they finish high school, particularly in high-tech disciplines, we need to consider new models for hands-on learning. This year, my administration will continue to work with teachers, community colleges, and business partners toward the creation of early college initiatives, which would allow students to earn college credit during high school.

“We can do it by partnering with the IBM Corporation and other local companies to develop a Connecticut version of P-TECH, IBM’s acclaimed, innovative high school and college partnership. This approach will allow students to graduate with both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree.”


Gov. Paul LePage, State of the State Address, Feb. 4, 2014

“Tonight I am proposing a bold new idea to attract companies that will invest more than $50 million and create more than 1,500 jobs.

“My proposal will offer valuable incentives for companies that choose to locate in certain areas. They are called ‘Open for Business Zones.’

“‘Open for Business Zones’ will offer discounted electricity rates; employment tax benefits; and provide access to capital. Companies in these zones will get assistance to help recruit and train workers.”


Gov. Mary Fallin, State of the State Address, Feb. 3, 2014

"To continue to inspire innovation at the local level, CareerTech is introducing a performance-based funding strategy to increase the number of Oklahomans earning certificates and gaining wealth-building jobs."


Gov. Bill Haslam, State of the State Address, Feb. 3, 2014

"To succeed in our Drive to 55, and to truly be America at its best, we have to change our culture. More Tennesseans have to believe that earning a certificate or degree beyond high school is not only possible but necessary. ...That's why tonight I am really excited to announce the 'Tennessee Promise.’

"The Tennessee Promise is an ongoing commitment to every student - from every kindergartner to every high school senior. We will promise that he or she can attend two years of community college or a college of applied technology absolutely free.

"If students then choose to go on to a four-year school, our transfer pathways program makes it possible for those students to start as a junior. By getting their first two years free, the cost of a four-year degree is cut in half. ...

"... So I know you are wondering, how do we pay for this? The Tennessee Promise can only be a true promise if it is sustainable over time. It can't be based on year-to-year budgets, or changing legislatures, or new administrations. That's why I recommend funding it through an endowment. I propose that we transfer lottery reserve funds into the endowment, which is strategically redirecting existing resources."

Connecticut, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennesseetech talkin govs, manufacturing, workforce