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Tech Talkin' Govs: Part II

January 16, 2013

The second installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. Our first installment was in the Jan. 9 Digest.

Gov. John Hickenlooper, State of the State Address, Jan. 10, 2013

“We also ask that you pass House Bill 1 ... bipartisan legislation that will support ‘advanced industries’ in Colorado. ...

“... The second annual COIN Summit, hosted by the Colorado Innovation Network, will take place in August. We will convene national and international stakeholders to discuss technology, workforce development, higher education and our state's brand”

Gov. Dave Heineman, State of the State Address, Jan. 15, 2013

“Our students of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and it is critical to our future that they have affordable access to a quality higher education. Last week, University of Nebraska President J.B. Milliken, Nebraska State College Chancellor Stan Carpenter and I announced that the University of Nebraska and Nebraska's State Colleges are prepared to implement a two-year tuition freeze for Nebraska students if you adopt my proposed budget. My recommendation provides the necessary state funding to achieve this two-year tuition freeze. ...

“... I am proposing a similar increase in community college funding for each of the next two years so that each of our six community colleges can also consider adopting a two year tuition freeze”

Gov. Brian Sandoval, State of the State Address, Jan. 16, 2013

“We must also invest in Nevada's innovators and entrepreneurs. And tonight, I am proud to announce that we will commit $10 million to Nevada's Knowledge Fund to do just that”

Rhode Island
Gov. Lincoln Chafee, State of the State and Budget Address, Jan. 16, 2013

“... [I]n an effort to ensure that there is no tuition increase next year at the Community College of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, or the University of Rhode Island, I propose an increase of $6 million for higher education. ...

“.... It also is important to bear in mind that Rhode Islanders looking for work need to be ready not only for today's economy, but for the economy of tomorrow. And Rhode Island employers looking to hire or expand need to have confidence that there will be qualified candidates to fill available positions. Therefore, I propose $3 million in new state support or workforce development initiatives. ...

“... I also want to accelerate the economic activity in Providence's Knowledge District. To that end, I propose an additional $500,000 to enhance the operations of the 195 Redevelopment Commission. You have heard me talk before about the importance of the medical, research, and education fields — the ‘meds and eds.’ We must continue to focus on these assets to grow our economy and create jobs”

South Dakota
Gov. Dennis Daugaard, Budget Address, Dec. 4, 2012

“These are the changes I am recommending mid-year for the current year budget — FY13 budget. ...

“... Finally, the GOED Research Commerce Grants: This is to start a proof-of-concept grant program. The Board of Regents and the Governor's Office of Economic Development would work together on this. It would support a program to provide small, less than $50,000 proof-of-concept investments in research that is believed to be commercially viable. They are trying to turn research into a business. If commercially successful, the investment would be repaid. If not, then it would be lost. So, there is a little bit of risk, but the idea is to encourage commercialization of research and support entrepreneurs right here in South Dakota”

Gov. Peter Shumlin, Inaugural Address, Jan. 10, 2013

“We also know that one of the challenges we face is keeping young Vermonters in Vermont. So today, I say to the graduating class of 2013: if you make a commitment to our state, then our state will make a commitment to you. We want you in Vermont, we need you in Vermont, and we are ready to be bold in keeping you in Vermont.

“I propose the Vermont Strong Scholars Program. It's a simple program, and here's how it works: if you enroll in any public institution of higher education in the state of Vermont and graduate with a degree in a STEM field, we will give you a helping hand to stay and work in Vermont by paying you back, over the course of five years, for your final year of tuition. Or if you graduate with an Associate's Degree in a STEM field, we will pay you back over three years for your final semester of tuition.

“I urge the legislature to approve this proposal and give young Vermonters a break on their higher education bills while helping us build prosperity together right here at home”

Gov. Jay Inslee, Inaugural Address, Jan. 16, 2013

“During the campaign I put out a plan to get Washington back to work that grew to more than 100 points of action. My plan focuses on job growth in seven industry clusters: aerospace, life sciences, military, agriculture, information technology, clean energy technology and the maritime trades. These clusters represent both the present and the future key drivers of economic growth and job creation in our state.

“We must support innovators in these areas with incentives to take risks and bring ideas from dream to reality. I have proposed a tradable research and development tax credit to help early-stage companies to develop and commercialize their idea. It's worked in other states, and it's something we can do this session. ...

“...We must also do a better job commercializing the technologies developed in our world-class research institutions, connecting the dots from the classroom to the laboratory to the marketplace. ...

“There is no challenge greater for Washington, with more opportunity for job growth and more suited to our particular brand of genius and ingenuity, than leading the world's clean energy economy. ...

“Over the next four years, we need to show our commitment with policies to promote economic growth, research and development on clean energy, to lock in the next wave of growth and opportunity for the next generation”

Gov. Scott Walker, State of the State Address, Jan. 15, 2013

"... [M]ost new jobs are going to come from new businesses created here or from small businesses growing in our state. We need to help them tap into the capital they need to make investments that will lead to more jobs.

“During the coming year, I look forward to working with lawmakers in both parties on ways to improve the amount of investment capital available to help start-ups and other small businesses grow new jobs in our state. ...

“... Survey after survey shows a tremendous need for skilled workers in key clusters, like manufacturing, health care, information technology ... Our state needs a way to accurately measure employment on a real-time basis. We need a better way to quickly measure trends and identify workforce needs by region, so we are working with members of the Legislature to enact a system to help us connect workers to jobs in areas of great need from current and future employers.”

Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washingtontech talkin govs