Tech Talkin' Govs, Part III
The third installment of SSTI’s Tech Talkin’ Govs’ series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Delaware, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah and Wisconsin. The first and second installments are available in the Jan 13 Digest and Jan. 20 Digest, respectively.
Gov. Jack Markell, State of the State Address, Jan. 21, 2010
“We have a proud legacy of technology innovation that we will build on. Together, we will create a Delaware where entrepreneurs and inventors imagine the new products and services that make life better, more productive and more enjoyable for millions, and workers make good livings delivering these wonders to the world.
“That is why I am supporting in this year’s bond bill plans to provide a center for high-tech laboratories, health sciences, alternative energy research and development, and other emerging industries at the old Chrysler site.”
Gov. John Baldacci, State of the State Address, Jan. 21, 2010
“… In the coming weeks, I will submit legislation to continue our aggressive pursuit of offshore wind energy. …We will set a target of producing 5 Gigawatts of electricity from offshore turbines by 2030. …
“…I want to introduce my proposed new structure for the Department of Economic and Community Development. Our economic development efforts are going to be more locally and regionally based, growing from the ground up and not from Augusta down. …
“… The challenges are greater, and they require a focus on science, technology, engineering and math – or STEM for short. … Later this month, we’ll hold our STEM Summit, where Maine’s leading high-tech industries and thinkers will come together. …
“… But come June, Maine voters will have a chance to take control and make a real and lasting difference in our economy. … I’m talking about an investment package and tax cut that will appear on the ballot. Maine has an opportunity to invest in economic development and innovation, green energy, clean drinking water, higher education and the redevelopment of Brunswick Naval Air Station. About $69 million dollars in bonds will go to voters in June.”
Gov. Jay Nixon, State of the State Address, Jan.20, 2010
“I'll continue to push hard to recruit new businesses to Missouri. … That brings me to the second part of my jobs plan, the Missouri Science and Innovation Reinvestment Act: MOSIRA. MOSIRA will reinvest a small part of the taxes paid by existing bio-tech firms in Missouri, to recruit new ones. It will create a stable pool of funds to increase access to capital. And it will help turn scientific breakthroughs into commercial successes.
“We want our biotech companies to grow because that creates more jobs. But just as important are the corollaries of that growth: a culture of excellence and collaboration, a forum where brilliant minds find kindred spirits, a hotbed of ideas that spark innovation, and a nexus of risk and reward, where start-ups thrive. …
"… Training for Tomorrow is a new initiative to train more Missourians for jobs in growing fields, like lab techs, nursing aides, surveyors and mechanics. It gives community colleges the flexibility to enlarge training programs where there's high demand, and ensures there are enough workers to meet that demand.
“In addition, I've proposed a 20 percent increase in funding for customized training programs tailored to the needs of specific high-tech industries. By matching industry's needs with training programs, more Missourians will be able to find work quickly. ”
New Hampshire
Gov. John Lynch, State of the State Address, Jan. 21, 2010
“Clean energy holds great potential for bringing new jobs to our state. … That is why today, in partnership with the University of New Hampshire, I am announcing the creation of the Green Launching Pad to help clean technology companies grow in New Hampshire.
“With $750,000 in stimulus funds, the University of New Hampshire will put its vast expertise and resources to work helping promising and innovative companies succeed. These companies will be connected to business, science and engineering faculty to develop finance and marketing plans, and be connected with angel investors and business mentors. They will get intensive support to launch or expand their companies and to create new jobs.”
Gov. Ted Strickland, State of the State Address, Jan. 26, 2010
“I am pleased to announce today that Ohio is creating the Energy Gateway Fund. We will make a unique and lasting investment in fuel cells, solar, wind, energy storage and the like with $30 million in federal job stimulus funds and $10 million from our state job stimulus program.
“This $40 million commitment will offer access to capital for new and expanding advanced energy companies. And we will at least double the impact of our efforts by requiring those seeking state funds to, at a minimum, match our investment dollar for dollar with new private funds. Revenue generated from the fund's investments will keep powering Ohio's economy because it will be reinvested in additional energy companies. …
“We should give [wind and solar] companies every reason to choose Ohio. That's why I am asking the legislature to erase Ohio's tangible personal property tax on generation for wind and solar facilities that break ground this year, create Ohio jobs, and begin producing energy by 2012.
“… But when jobs disappear we owe Ohioans every opportunity to prepare themselves for new employment. That's why today I am announcing the creation of a Manufacturing Certificate. Those who have worked in manufacturing will be able to obtain a credential they can take to future employers that documents their full range of job skills and experience. And, certificate holders will be able to earn credit toward additional job training and education. …
“… I would ask the legislature to consider implementing our co-op internship program to give college students an opportunity to get invaluable experience in their field and encourage our young people to stay and thrive in Ohio. …
“My administration and Attorney General Rich Cordray are overseeing talks toward reaching a standing agreement between the entire University System of Ohio and consumer product powerhouse P&G. With the contract in place, we will speed up and strengthen research collaborations between our university faculty and the company. P&G will get the benefit of our innovative thinkers. Our universities will get the benefit of unprecedented opportunities to collaborate with P&G on new products. And Ohioans will get the benefit of new economic development.
“And we can use this agreement as a model for other companies and industries that want to work with Ohio's innovative institutions. Indeed, today I am calling on the Ohio Auto Industry Support Council to build on this historic agreement and create a network that will link Ohio's manufacturers to great research going on in Ohio….
“… With the Third Frontier, Ohio made a commitment to securing our place at the forefront of the research economy. And that commitment has paid tremendous dividends. … This ten year investment in revitalizing Ohio…is set to expire. I want to thank the legislature for working toward the renewal of this vital program and I am hopeful that we will meet next week's deadline for placing the Third Frontier on the ballot for voters' consideration in May.”
Rhode Island
Gov. Donald Carcieri, State of the State Address, Jan. 26, 2010
“One of the more visible bridges we have been building to the 21st century economy is the new I—Way…. The opening of this site will accelerate the development of a new life-sciences economy in R.I. It will link together and harness the research capacity of our higher education institutions, with the complementary research and clinical capacity at our major medical centers.”
South Dakota
Gov. Mike Rounds, State of the State Address, Jan. 13, 2010
“In total, the National Science Foundation already has invested more than $70 million in design and planning for the DUSEL and the initial experiments at the Sanford Laboratory. … In 2010, the LUX, or Large Underground Xenon, experiment will be installed in the Davis Cavern at the 4,850-foot level. The Majorana experiment also will be installed. We will begin dewatering the deepest levels of Homestake, and making improvements throughout the lab.
“Most important, the DUSEL Collaboration—a nationwide team of scientists led by the University of California at Berkeley and the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology—will finish a document called the Preliminary Design Report, which will be submitted to the National Science Foundation in December. This document will be an extremely detailed plan for the new national research facility here in South Dakota. …
“… We are on track to become the home of the first new major national research facility since the FermiLab was created in 1967.”
Gov. Gary Herbert, State of the State Address, Jan. 26, 2010
“Tonight, I am announcing what I hope will be one of the most impactful economic initiatives ever undertaken in our state. It is one that we in Utah are uniquely positioned to accomplish - it is the Utah Energy Initiative.
“I am assembling the best minds in the state and charging them with creating a 10-year strategic energy plan whose purpose is threefold: to ensure Utah's continued access to our own clean and low-cost energy resources; to be on the cutting edge of new energy technologies; and to foster economic opportunities and create more jobs.”
Gov. Jim Doyle, State of the State Address, Jan. 26, 2010
“Let's pass the Wisconsin CORE Jobs Act… This proposal builds on my Accelerate Wisconsin plan by providing millions more in tax credits for angel and venture capital investments. It also strengthens successful programs for manufacturing, research and development, and worker training. …
“… Let's quickly pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act to create new jobs in Wisconsin. This bill will strengthen our renewable portfolio standards to generate 25 percent of our energy from renewable sources by 2025. And we'll reduce our energy consumption by 2 percent by 2015 by improving energy efficiency in our businesses and homes. …
“… Tonight, I am announcing the establishment of the Wisconsin Green to Gold Fund. By streamlining existing state resources, we are creating a new $100 million revolving loan fund for manufacturers to reduce their energy costs. We will also help small and mid-sized manufacturers move into the clean energy economy. We will invest $1.75 million through the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership … to help these smaller manufacturers use sustainable practices to save money and gain a competitive edge.”
Delaware, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsinstate tbed