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Tech Talkin' Govs, Part V

February 04, 2009

The fifth installment of the Tech Talkin' Govs series includes highlights from state of the state, budget and inaugural addresses from governors in Alabama, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Utah.

Gov. Bob Riley, State of the State Address, Feb. 3, 2009
"And let's make Alabama more competitive with other states for higher paying jobs. Our current incentives focus almost entirely on manufacturing, and Alabama will continue to be aggressive in the pursuit of those jobs. But in today's economy we need a more balanced approach. One that makes more industries eligible for our economic incentives: knowledge-based industries that typically pay higher wages like research and development facilities, corporate headquarters and other entrepreneurial ventures. .

". As we seek to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, there are many companies working to create new and cheaper forms of energy right here in America. These companies also create 21st century jobs that are here to stay. But Alabama doesn't provide tax incentives to these companies. So our recovery plan makes sure Alabama will be a leader in the emerging green economy. .

".the education budget I'm presenting to you protects funding for what we know works: the Reading Initiative, the Math and Science Initiative, and distance learning. Tonight, I urge you to join me in protecting these proven programs from any cuts."

Gov. Jennifer Granholm, State of the State Address, Feb. 3, 2009
"To restore our state's economy, we need to tap the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that fostered the development of our domestic auto industry more than 100 years ago. This year, our Michigan Economic Development Corporation will launch a competition among Michigan universities to develop a comprehensive statewide plan to use our higher education system to maximize entrepreneurial activity in Michigan.

"This will involve better curricula to train the entrepreneurs we need to spur business growth and job creation, more effective transfer of university-developed research and technology, and increased assistance for growing Michigan businesses - all designed to power the transformation of our economy.

". The success of the Kalamazoo Promise has inspired communities across the nation, but Michigan will now be the first state to replicate that achievement on a large scale. This year, 10 Michigan communities struggling with high rates of poverty will create Promise Zones that use the promise of free college education to spur greatness in our kids and economic development in those communities. .

". (A)s we accelerate our push to get more kids to college, we cannot have them priced out of the market by tuition increases. I am asking Michigan's universities and community colleges to freeze tuition for the next academic year. No tuition hikes during this year of economic crisis."

Ohio - see article in this issue of the Digest
Gov. Ted Strickland, State of the State Address, Jan. 28, 2009

Gov. Brad Henry, State of the State Address, Feb. 2, 2009
"Three years ago, we launched the EDGE Endowment with the simple but bold goal of transforming Oklahoma into the Research Capital of the Plains. Biotech, aerospace, renewable energies, knowledge-based industries -- these are the gateways to a thriving economy in the global age. . But, the endowment remains far below the ultimate goal of $1 billion. .

". By dedicating future interest earnings from the Rainy Day Fund as well as a portion of future annual state investment earnings, the cutting-EDGE investment of today will become the cutting-EDGE research and jobs of tomorrow.  I urge you to join me in establishing a permanent funding source for this critical endowment. .

". We must lay the foundation now to encourage and nurture the development and use of alternative energies such as wind, geothermal, solar, biofuels and compressed natural gas."

Gov. Ed Rendell, Executive Budget Address, Feb. 4, 2009
"I am also proposing that we increase funds for our community colleges, which serve as the training ground for Pennsylvanians seeking new skills to help them re-enter the job market. .

". Last week the bipartisan partnership of Senator Erickson and Representatives Vitali and Ross called for ambitious, needed and achievable improvements to the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards enacted in 2004. What is especially impressive in their work is their dual focus on increasing the use of solar and other renewable energy sources and greater speed in the application of technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas emission from energy generation. I applaud their proposal and believe that if passed, it will stimulate further job creation in the Commonwealth in a sector that holds real promise for decades ahead. .

". Next, the FY2009-2010 budget includes a provision known as the Pennsylvania Tuition Relief Act, which will provide critically needed college tuition assistance to Pennsylvania families earning less than $100,000 a year."

Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr., State of the State Address, Jan. 27, 2009
". (J)ust as Wall Street is known for finance and Silicone Valley for technology, by 2012, I believe Utah can become the premier destination in America for renewable energy. .

". We will be the epicenter for energy development - but we must have the land, transmission, and regulatory framework to make it a reality. We must look beyond 20th century mentalities and bet on 21st century realities. We must pass legislation this year to incentivize, rather than penalize, innovative technologies where the risk is real, but the reward is great."

Alabama, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utahstate tbed