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Technology Education Trends Analyzed

April 30, 1999

The number of technology degrees awarded have declined by 5 percent since 1990, according to a new report issued by the American Electronics Association (AEA). The one area in which there has been a significant increase in degrees conferred is business information systems, which increased by 24 percent.

The report, CyberEducation: U.S. Education and the High-Technology Workforce, A National and State-by-State Perspective, examines technology education trends in both K-12 and higher education.

At the college and university level, the report examines the number of students awarded associate, bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees in six core technology fields (engineering, engineering technology, computer science, business information systems, mathematics, and physics).

The top five states, ranked by technology degrees conferred are:

  1. California (20,809)
  2. New York (16,437)
  3. Texas (12,991)
  4. Pennsylvania (11,074)
  5. Ohio (10,315)

The top five states in terms of percentage increase in the number of technology degrees conferred are:

  1. Virginia
  2. Texas
  3. North Carolina
  4. Utah
  5. Minnesota

The report also reviews math and science activity at the kindergarten through 12th grade level. Key K-12 findings include:

  • students are taking more math and science courses
  • test scores at the 4th, 8th, and 12th grade level have improved since 1990

The report is available from AEA by calling 1-800-284-4232. The cost is $95 for AEA members and $190 for non-members.
