economic development

Four steps for a bipartisan effort to outcompete China

While economic development tends to be nonpartisan at the state level, many states are limited in their ability to fund innovative programs. In order to fund efforts that may serve as part of a national development strategy, Congress should use the bipartisan support of state efforts to establish and expand federal-state development partnerships and a strategy focused on countering China’s rise in advanced industries. That is the sentiment behind a recent roadmap from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) that proposes four things Congress should do to align state efforts to an overall mission of outcompeting China.

Consolidation of local governments could provide new economic development outlets

Improved prospects for economic development, as opposed to concerns about government efficiency, can play an important role in building support for local government consolidation efforts. The importance of economic opportunities in government consolidation was a key conclusion within Ball State University’s recently published policy brief, Indiana’s Government Modernization Act & Local Government Consolidation Experiences: Process and Politics. The brief examined seven consolidation efforts that occurred in Indiana between 2008 and 2012 and explored the preexisting conditions of the areas.

States aim to drive growth with new economic development, energy plans

A trio of plans focused on economic development at the state level were released this month. Noting that it is at an economic crossroads and facing serious challenges, Maine’s Department of Economic and Community Development has issued a new 10-year economic development strategy for the state. Massachusetts has also proposed a new economic development plan, focusing on four key areas, while a new report in Maryland is targeting clean energy as an opportunity for the state to invest in the future.

Report examines what works in rural innovation

Turning good intentions into actions is part of the motivation behind a recent report from the Community Strategies Group (CSG) of the Aspen Institute. The report, Rural Development Hubs: Strengthening America’s Rural Innovation Infrastructure, focuses on actions that could build capacity to advance rural community and economic development to improve equity, health and prosperity for future generations. Identifying those that are working to “do development differently” in rural America, the report draws on the wisdom of leaders from 43 rural intermediaries, and includes recommendations on creating stronger rural development systems.

SSTI, economic development peers submit OZ letter to EDA

SSTI and five peer, economic development-focused organizations submitted a letter to assistant secretary for economic development, John Fleming, in response to a request for information about incorporating Opportunity Zones (OZs) into existing EDA practices. The letter encourages the agency to be cautious in its approach, pointing out that OZ’s impacts are not yet understood. In the meantime, EDA can continue to support distressed regions by providing more education about available programs, technical assistance to strengthen competitiveness, and leverage existing research funding and grant reporting to increase the country’s understanding of economic activity within OZs. The other organizations signing the letter are: International Economic Development Council, National Association of Counties, National Association of Regional Councils, National League of Cities, and Rural Community Assistance Partnership. Read the full letter.

In trying to build economic diversity, Wyoming targeting certain sectors

Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon recently announced that changes are coming to the state’s ENDOW initiative, a 20-year vision that was crafted under his predecessor, Gov. Matt Mead. As part of the coming changes, Gordon said the initiative will target certain industries (such as aerospace, defense and healthcare), be smaller in its scope, and incremental in its strategy. The governor said in a statement that while the vision of ENDOW will continue driving state economic diversification, efforts will now shift toward targeted implementation plans. With the 20-year strategy and action plans already submitted, the governor will no longer convene the executive council, but the ENDOW-initiated programs and committees will continue.

SSTI partners with NSF to bring you latest in funding, entrepreneurial support

We are excited to be partnering with NSF during SSTI’s Annual Conference, Sept.9 through 11 in Providence, Rhode Island, to bring you the latest information and ideas on SBIR/STTR and university/industry partnerships.

What are mayors talking about? NLC explores top trending topics

The National League of Cities (NLC) recently released its sixth State of the Cities report, an analysis of the year’s state of the city speeches. It identifies and examines the top 10 issues that mayors are discussing and provides analyses on regional and subtopic trends.

Focus on inclusive ecosystems to build entrepreneurship and growth

A new report from the Kansas City Federal Reserve and Opportunity HUB (OHUB) reveals the importance of building an inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem. Authored by Dell Gines of the Kansas City Federal Reserve and Rodney Sampson, chairman and chief executive officer of Opportunity Hub, the report examines how entrepreneurship ecosystem building has lacked an emphasis on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. The guide provides an overview of key concepts and gives general recommendations on how to use entrepreneurship ecosystem building to develop high-growth entrepreneurship in communities of color.

States making progress in evaluating tax incentives; new tool explores costs and benefits

A recent article from Pew Charitable Trusts shows how routine evaluations can help states make tangible improvements to their tax incentives. According to Pew, 30 states now have laws requiring evaluation of the incentives, and recent examinations in several states included key components that helped to inform the results. When analyses started with an effort to determine the specific goals of each incentive, their effectiveness was more easily determined. High-quality evaluations also measured economic impact. For instance, Rhode Island’s evaluation of the Motion Picture Production Tax Credit showed that revenue gained would never match the cost of the program.


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