federal agency r&d

Dept. of Homeland Security S&T calls for R&D partners

The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) within the Department of Homeland Security is looking for partners to help develop scientific advancements and technological innovations that solve homeland security challenges. The directorate is open to a broad range of potential partners, from technology developers and innovators creating ideas in their garages, to small businesses and large corporationsand has issued a guide detailing the ways partners can work with the agency.Industry Guide: R&D Investment Priorities and Business Opportunities 2017 includes a table providing an overview of the R&D investment outlook for the types of technologies and capabilities DHS anticipates will address current homeland security needs.

Administration R&D memo emphasizes basic science

The White House Office of Management and Budget released a memorandum on R&D priorities that directs agencies to prioritize basic science and lower costs in their FY 2019 budget requests. R&D investments should be made in military superiority, security, prosperity, energy dominance and health. The memo repeatedly encourages officials to identify, and divest of, research areas where industry is ready to make their own investments toward commercial development.

House Science Committee advancing R&D changes

The U.S. House Science Committee released a letter last week reasserting the majority party’s interest in setting R&D priorities for federal science agencies and supporting appropriation levels that generally align with the White House’s budget blueprint. The letter notes priorities for most of the $42 billion in R&D budgets within the committee’s purview, including the following:

NMFS Announces Fisheries R & D Program

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is accepting applications for the FY96 round of the Saltonstall-Kennedy (S-K) Grant Program. The S-K grant program supports research and development projects that address various aspects of commercial and recreational fisheries including harvesting, processing, and marketing. The program focuses on rebuilding U.S. fisheries for sustainable use. The FY96 base funding for this program is approximately $7.0 million.


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