
Sixth Year of Unprecedented R&D Growth Expected in 2000

January 01, 2000

Battelle Memorial Institute and the National Science Foundation report indicates total research and development investment in the United States was strong in 2000, and is expected to increase about five percent in 2001. Battelle predicts that industry will continue to emphasize various forms of partnering and collaborations, including relationships with other industry, federal laboratories and international facilities.

U.S. Corporate R&D Volume I: Top 500 Firms in R&D by Industry Category

January 01, 1999

The report introduces the U.S. Corporate research and development (R&D) data series to provide new information and context on the R&D activity of the Nation’s top 500 R&D spending corporations. Data is based on the Standard and Poor’s Compustat database.

Globalizing Industrial Research and Development 2nd Edition

January 01, 1999

The report expands and updates the information contained in an earlier study based upon 1992 data. It examines a wide range of practical questions and policy concerns arising from the rapid growth of the
global R&D enterprise.

Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 1997, 1998, and 1999

January 01, 1999

The statistical report from the National Science Foundation reflect research and development funding levels as reported by 32 Federal agencies for fiscal years 1997-99.

Federal Research: Information on International Science and Technology Agreements

January 01, 1999

The report found that in FY 1997, the seven agencies it reviewed participated in 575 international science and technology agreements with 57 countries, 8 international organizations, and 10 groups or organizations and/or countries. More than 90% of the international S&T agreements resulted in research projects or other research-related activities such as consultations among scientists and exchanges of data and personnel.

What is the State Government Role in the R&D Enterprise?

January 01, 1999

The report finds that during the 1990s, states increasingly have included an S&T component in their economic development plans, and between 1991 and 1995 no fewer than thirteen states adopted statewide S&T strategic plans of varying levels of sophistication and complexity.

National Patterns of R&D Resources: 1998

January 01, 1999

Survey data on the various sectors of the U.S. economy including industry, government, academia, and selected nonprofits are aggregated within this report so that the components of the overall R&D effort are placed in a national context.

Science and Engineering Indicators: 1998

January 01, 1998

The report by the National Science Board provides informaion on S&T resources needed by policymakers, industry and academia in weighing policy options. New features include several reflections on futre pressures and possible trends coupled with the identification of a number of important data and information gaps.

Collaborative R&D: How Effective Is It?

January 01, 1998

According to the author, research and development collaboration is a means, not an end. Moreover, the dearth of systematic analysis and evaluation of existing federal policies toward collaboration hampers efforts to match the design of collaborative programs to the needs of different firms, industries, or sectors.

Why Firms Form Research Joint Ventures: Theory and Evidence

January 01, 1997

The authors analyze a model of research joint ventures (RJV) with asymmetric firms and differentiated products. They then test the various explanations for RJV formation using data now available through the U.S. National Cooperative Research Act.


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