state revenue

WI Govenor Expands Investor Tax Credits and TBED Initiatives

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle recently signed several economic development bills intended to spur job creation and high-tech development. The new legislation authorizes additional job creation tax credits, expands the state's enterprise zones program and establishes new incentives for angel investors. Key among the bills is Wisconsin's CORE Jobs Act, which creates and expands a number of tax credits, loan and grant programs for manufacturing, R&D and venture capital investment. Bill sponsor State Senator Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point) noted that the CORE Jobs Act should help commercialize new technologies and convert existing factories into green energy manufacturing and production businesses.

CT Gov Signs Jobs Bill, FY11 Budget Agreement

A jobs bill that garnered near unanimous support in both legislative chambers was signed into law by Gov. Jodi Rell last week. The bill includes pre-seed funding for innovative ideas, a program authorizing tax credits for insurers investing in many different types of businesses, including technology startups, student loan reimbursements to retain green collar workers, a small business loan pool, and a green manufacturing pilot program.

Legislative Deal Suspends HI High-Tech Tax Credits for 3 Years

Saving the state an estimated $93 million a year, Hawaii House and Senate negotiators agreed to suspend the High-Tech Tax Credit, known as Act 221, for three years, reports the Honolulu Advertiser. Lawmakers also agreed to repeal the tax credits in May rather than at the end of December, the article states. The tax credits, available for equity investments in qualified high-tech companies, were established to provide seed funding for technology and entertainment projects. Controversy over the effectiveness of the tax credits resulted in several revisions aimed at tightening restrictions over the past decade. Just last year, lawmakers passed a bill capping the tax credits for investors at 80 percent. The bill became law without Gov. Linda Lingle's signature (see the Aug. 12, 2009 issue of the Digest). The corresponding bills to suspend the credits are HB 2962 and SB2401.

Illinois Governor's Jobs Plan includes Angel Tax Credits, R&D Matching Funds

Providing access to startup capital, promoting biotechnology, and investing in the green economy to create and grow jobs are among the priorities of Gov. Pat Quinn's Illinois Economic Recovery Plan presented during a speech in December. The governor's plan would establish an Angel Investment Tax Credit program to allow investors making an early-stage investment in a technology startup to receive a capped credit against their Illinois tax bill. The governor also will propose the creation of a state fund to provide matching grants for technology research companies competing for federal funding and explore the idea of establishing a venture capital fund of funds. Additional strategies to incentivize green manufacturers to retool existing operations also are outlined in the governor's plan, which is available at: Economic Recovery Plan Final.pdf.

Aggressive R&D Tax Credits by Other Countries Put the U.S. Near Bottom of the Pack

In 2008, the U.S. ranked 17th in R&D tax generosity out of the 21 OECD countries that offered some form of R&D tax credits to businesses, according to a recent brief put out by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF). In U.S. Continues to Tread Water in Global R&D Tax Incentives, authors Rob Atkinson and Scott Andes state even though the U.S. had the most generous R&D tax incentives in the world throughout the 1980s, its relative ranking has slid over the decades as other countries have strategically used tax policy as a tool to spur private sector R&D.

Hawaii Tightens Restrictions on High-Tech Investment Tax Credit

Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle recently allowed a significant revision to the state's High-Technology Investment Tax Credits program become law without her signature. The program, which has provided a 100 percent credit on high-tech investments since 2001, now will cap its credits at 80 percent. Investors also will no longer be able to transfer their credits to other investors. The revisions will apply through December 2010, when the tax credit program is scheduled to expire.

New York City Gains $3 Million Tax Credit for Biotech Firms

The New York State legislature passed an act enabling New York City to move forward with a $3 million biotech tax credit that is expected to encourage biotechnology firms to bring their jobs, innovation, and emerging technologies to the city. The bill (S.4845-B/A.8131) is expected to be signed into law by Gov. David Paterson.

Alabama Governor Signs Legislation Aimed at Recruiting Knowledge-based Jobs

Gov. Bob Riley signed a bill last month extending tax credits and incentives to knowledge-based industries and green employers to encourage growth and expansion in these fields throughout the state.

Kentucky Gov Requests Changes to Economic Incentives in Special Session

On Monday, legislation was introduced in a special session of the Kentucky Legislature to amend several of Kentucky's economic development incentive programs. Additionally, HB 3 contains language to secure funding and land for a proposed lithium-ion battery manufacturing complex (see the April 22, 2009 issue of the Digest) in Hardin County.

Nebraska Government Expands Tax Credit for R&D at Universities, Requests Biotech Plan

During the last week of the legislative session, Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman signed two bills into law - one dealing with R&D tax credits and the other authorizing the development of a statewide biotechnology strategic plan. The biotech plan, as outlined in LB 246, calls for the creation of a nonprofit corporation to provide research assistance and recommendations to the Legislature's Natural Resources Committee by June 30 of next year. A finalized plan must then be presented by the committee to the Legislature.


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