state revenue

Nevada Creates State Energy Commissioner, Renews Energy Tax Abatements

As the Nevada Legislature concluded its biennial session last week, Gov. Jim Gibbons signed several bills relating to renewable energy. In particular, SB 358 creates the position of Nevada Energy Commissionerwith responsibilities - among other duties - to review policies related to the R&D of geothermal energy in Nevada and to work with renewable energy developers in identifying suitable sites for their needs. As the Associated Press reported in their coverage of the bill's passage, the process of attaining land in Nevada is sometimes a cumbersome process because 86 percent of the state is controlled by the federal government.

Hawaii Expected to Limit Tax Credits for Technology Investments

Hawaii's tax credits for research and investment in high-tech companies have cost the state more than $747 million since it was instituted in 1999 through the end of 2007, according to the study. The Department found that the state's investment has yielded only one full-time job at the associated firms per $535,000 in credits. In response to the report and the state's tightening fiscal situation, Governor Linda Lingle announced that more restriction would be put on these credits under the upcoming biennial budget.

Election Preview: Voters to Decide on Statewide TBED Issues

While the Presidential election takes center stage on November 4, voters in several states also will cast their votes on statewide ballot issues affecting the TBED community. In addition to the 11 gubernatorial races and more than 5,800 state legislative seats up for grabs, voters across the nation will consider measures to provide funding for public education, expand investment in alternative and renewable energy, lift restrictions on stem-cell research, and eliminate income tax and state spending caps. Following is a summary of selected ballot issues from across the nation.

Grim Fiscal Outlook for Cities Expected Through 2010

Anticipated declines in property tax, local sales tax and local income taxes combined with increased expenditures for energy and fuel, infrastructure, and employee-related costs have city finance officers anticipating worsening fiscal conditions over the next two years.

Recent Research: Measuring the Effectiveness of State R&D Tax Credits

Two weeks ago, Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter vetoed legislation to repeal state R&D income tax credits for Idaho companies. Among his reasons for the veto, Gov. Otter claimed removing the credits would put Idaho at a competitive disadvantage because surrounding states over similar incentives. Was he right?

Subsidizing (and Taxing) Business Procurement

January 01, 2007

This paper studies the effect of a subsidy (or tax) on suppliers in a market in which suppliers bid for the opportunity to provide goods and services to "downstream" manufacturers. The study concludes that these subsidies must be small in order to create profits greater than the amount of the subsidy.

Transferable Tax Credits in Missouri: An Analytical Review

January 01, 2007

In 2005, Missouri had 53 legally authorized tax credit programs. In this paper, the authors assemble basic information on all of these programs and further analyze the six largest (by tax credits issued) that include freely transferable credits. Their analysis focuses on the institutional features of these programs, the kinds of market failures or disparities they may address, and whether the design of each program is consistent with its economic rationale.

Labour and Product Market Reforms in the Economy with Distortionary Taxation

January 01, 2006

The authors extend a previous model by including the effects of another inevitable source of imperfections: distortionary taxation - not only the most likely candidate for reform, but also the most likely instrument for financing the restructuring process.

Globalization and Developing Countries - A Shrinking Tax Base?

January 01, 2006

This paper evaluates the impact of globalization on the tax bases of countries at varying stages of development.

Border Wars: Tax Revenues, Annexation, and Urban Growth in Phoenix

January 01, 2006

Phoenix and neighboring municipalities, like many in the South and West, pursued a growth strategy based on annexation in the decades after World War II. This paper explores the link between annexation and competition for tax revenues.


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