strategic plan

Private Sector Input Drives Montana Business Plan

Montana’s new business plan commissioned by Gov. Steve Bullock outlines five overarching themes, described as pillars, with specific goals, objectives and tasks for diversifying the state’s economy. Encouraging innovation and supporting emerging industries is the focus of one pillar, with recommendations for strengthening the role of universities, establishing funding streams for entrepreneurs, and developing a network of statewide business mentors. The Main Street Montana Project was lead by two top business leaders in the state to ensure private sector buy-in, according to the governor.

MA Group Crafts Strategy to Confront National Decline of Early Stage Bio Capital

Massachusetts’ continuing success in the biopharmaceutical sector depends on finding new ways to fund startup and early stage research activities, according to a new strategic plan released by the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council (MassBio). The report cites recent data showing that life sciences venture capital has fallen by 50 percent over the past five years and many investors have turned to later stage investments. In place of this model of startup funding, the group recommends engagement with a number of alternative funding channels, including angel groups, foundations, wealthy individuals and crowdfunding services. The report also includes a number of other recommendations to improve the environment for new and growing life sciences firms.

National Nanotech Initiative Strategic Plan Open for Public Comment

The National Science and Technology Council has released a new draft strategic plan for the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). NNI, launched in 2001, is a cross-agency initiative to coordinate regulatory and research policies to advance nanotech innovation. The previous plan was released in 2011. NNI is seeking input on its strategic goals, particularly the research challenges addressed by its Nanotechnology Signature Initiatives. The plan is open for public comment through December 18. Download the plan...

MA Rolls Out High-Tech Workforce, STEM Education Strategy

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has made a series of announcements over the past few weeks aimed at improving the high-tech skill set of the state's workers and students. A new STEM strategic plan released yesterday would refine Massachusetts' efforts to expand the pipeline of young, skilled science and technology workers and improve the quality of STEM education. The plan is an update of goals originally set by the governor in 2010, and is focused on increasing the percentage of highly-skilled Pre-K-16 STEM teachers and growing the share of students who enter post-secondary STEM programs. Read the announcement...

White House Climate Plan Seeks to Double Renewable Energy Generation by 2020

This week, President Obama released details of a climate action blueprint that incorporates preparation for future natural disasters as a major component of the plan. Most of the domestic aspects of the plan are to be implemented by executive order, avoiding the complications of the legislative process. Though much of the blueprint centers on the strengthening of American infrastructure, the improvement of the electrical grid and ambitious renewable energy standards, the plan also includes a few mentions of increased federal support for technology development and commercialization.

Around the World in TBED

Two projects, one in the United Kingdom and another in Africa, are working to improve the information economy, university training and research in their respective regions. A new United Kingdom strategy includes a partnership between the national government, industry, and academia in support of the information technology sector. In Africa, the World Bank will engage in an international effort to promote education and research, supporting regional economic development across the continent.

Strategy Outlined to Encourage Strengthening of Manufacturing Communities

To encourage communities to strengthen their industrial ecosystems, the U.S. Department of Commerce has announced it will make awards to up to 25 communities to launch implementation strategies. The solicitation for the awards will be released in May, and awards of up to $200,000 each will be issued by the end of September. The awards are one part of a four–phase plan announced by Deputy Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank last week that also includes listening sessions and a proposal to award five to six communities $25 million each.

WA Job Growth Plan Promotes Innovation-Driven Strategy

A new strategy report from the Washington Economic Development Commission offers a roadmap for the state to differentiate itself and attract new investment by focusing on the long-term goal of becoming a world-class innovation system. The proposals, which are not dependent on new funding, call on state and local leaders to focus on five key drivers of competitiveness: talent, entrepreneurship, infrastructure, smart regulation and global exports. Download the report...

Washington Gov Prioritizes Five Sectors in $120M Economic Growth Plan

Gov. Jay Inslee's vision for creating a more prosperous state economy through investments in key industry sectors came full circle with the announcement of his Working Washington Agenda, which prioritizes a similar set of proposals touted last year during his run for governor. The plan includes legislation, government reforms and new state investments totaling nearly $120 million focused around five areas. Tax breaks for startups in high-demand fields, instituting a tradable R&D tax credit, creating 500 enrollment slots in aerospace training programs, and tapping state capital funds to develop clean energy solutions are among the proposals. Gov. Inslee has issued policy briefs in support of each focus area, which are available at:

State Strategic Plans Focus on Supporting S&T in Key Sectors

In an era of tightening fiscal constraints, states have to make tough decisions, establish clear economic development funding priorities and transform their economic development models to take advantage of immediate opportunities and position their state for long-term economic growth. Mississippi, Oklahoma and Washington have released state-specific strategic plans that make those tough decisions by focusing their resources on key science & technology (S&T) areas to address the economic impacts of the Great Recession and position the state for future prosperity. Each strategic plan also calls for state government to engage the private sector to build partnerships that will help reduce costs and increase impacts.


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